Semana Santa in Granada: here we go again...

in #video7 years ago

Incense smells, barred streets, and suspicious looking attires all around... No doubt about it: it's Semana Santa 2018 in full swing in Granada! And there is absolutely no way to escape it, so rather than complain I took the initiative to bring you some photos and videos of it.

The party kicked off Monday and is lasting till Sunday, but Thursday and Friday were obviously the most important dates on the calendar... if only because they are bank holidays, a great opportunity to play pool and drink myself silly! to communiate with this great feast!

This was taken thursday during the Procession of the Salesianos, just outside of my humble abode. So, I had to wait for it to pass before to be able to come home of course.

Of course the fun didn't stop after that, there were other processions criss-crossing the city, among which this one...

Easter is a rather subdued affair from where I come from, and I'm kind of grateful to it. Living here for the past 6 years, I have grown used to it, but sometimes it's just overwhelming. This year, it was not that bad. Maybe I'm starting to like it?!?!?!

What about you, how did you celebrate Easter?


Hola, que bonito!. Realmente se toman la Pascua en serio allí en Granada. Disfrútalo porque en todas partes no se celebra de una manera tan especial. Gracias por compartir.

I did not know it was such a celebration :)
it looks interesting and actually looks nice. It is also very rich in photographic terms. I love seeing different cultural features.
I like the videos. Thank you for sharing with us my dear friend

Thanks for your support :)

Wow, interesting to see how different people celebrate easter.. I didn't celebrate at all.. We are using the days off to go traveling..;-)

Yeaaaaah I know... I should have gone travelling too but didn't find any trip or flight... So, i'll travel by proxy thanks to you :-)

Qué interesante ver como lo celebran allá!
Yo, en cambio no celebro ni hago nada en especial (a pesar de que soy católica)... descanso estos días libres jajaja

Mejor! Yo tambien, solo he salido a ver estas procesiones para tomar algunas fotos, pero tanta gente me vuelve agorafobo :D

In my country with the passing of time every day they forget the traditions, it is also due to the political issue that every day discourages us more and the high cost of life does not allow us to carry out any tradition as before.

How beautiful all the time they offer Easter, it looks amazing. ;)

Yeah, it's a pity, I see what you mean... But I bet you still celebrate in family, no? And that's the best way in the end :)

Yes of course in our family the translations are not lost and I hope it never happens.

me gusta leer tu escritura, añadir información

Yeah my friend you are right it looks like there is no escape from this but actually the guys in the second pictures make me terrified because of their clothes. Their clothes look like Klu Klux Clan... Do you hear or know about it? I mean the likeness of their clothes...

And thank you for sharing and have a nice day my friend...

hahaha yeah, everybody says that, but the Semana Santa has been celebrated for centuries... so, it's actually the KKK who stole their traditional ancestral costumes!

Haha, this brings me back to 2009, although I had just left Granada around that time and I think I experienced Semana Santa in Madrid and Toledo.

Last week, I fled Spain/ Sevilla just around the time this started.

I am enjoying my time in Portugal and the 'weekend' was nice and quiet.

Great pictures by the way! :>)

Thanks! haha lucky you :) It's great that they take Semana Santa a bit more relaxed in Portugal :)

Yeah man! I am happy about that too.

It helps though to be on a camping on the countryside and not in a city. I must admit that - even though all the processions kind of intrigue me (as a creative and filmmaker) - these Ku Klux Klan like hats and all and showcasing of religion, still kind of freak me out, haha