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RE: Binge watching on

in #video5 years ago

Limitless is pretty fun. I've watched all of those you listed. Yet "Immortals" I only watched MOST of the first episode last night and decided to wait for later.

As to Arrow. I watch a number of DC Hero shows. They often overlap (The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, etc). The writing can be very predictable. Yet this is true of most stuff coming out of Hollywood, Toronto, etc these days... Same writers.

At least not too much political correctness/identity politics in most of those... some series I thought had potential I despise because they are pushing that narrative.

My kids and I watched the old Roswell series when they were young and enjoyed it.

So I was excited to see a new one. That excitement quickly faded. It is definitely one of the most SJW Identity Politics based series out there... It doesn't make it better. The stories are pretty damn weak, though not surprising when they seem more interested in pushing their SJW crap than writing a good story.

I also used to watch Madam Secretary. That stopped as soon as I saw the first episode of the most recent season where they literally had Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell, etc. talking to this fictional Secretary of State in her office. That was too much. Stopped watching it.

Saw headlines it went even more absurd. Glad I stopped watching it.

I did enjoy DC Titans which is very dark and different.

They have a new one DC Doom Patrol which seems different and darker too.


When I discover that anything I am watching (or reading) is 'message' (invariably left wing) I stop watching (reading) immediately. If I want to be preached to I'll go to church. If I want to be beat up on I'll join a fight club.

You right about the 'weak storylines' fact they're so weak that if I had to pay for them I wouldn't bother with them. If they're not on NetFlix or Amazon Prime I don't bother. Most of what I attempt to watch...I give up on pretty soon.

I wonder how long Limitless will be worth my time?

Limitless is good for a bit, but it seems like it was getting stuck in a "routine" by the end. It's been awhile since I watched it.

I have Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. I also have several Rokus.

Though most of what I watch comes from using Transmission (client) in combination with


Remember that one? It had me ROFLMAO....

The thing I like about it is that it's a 'when is it going to happen'. Kinda thing. Not an if. Nootropics is will be a thing.(right now it's mostly a scam)

And then there's neural interface with AI...(several different ways to do it) if chemicals don't work.

You might be right about the series..but so far it's holding up pretty good. I'm on S1. Ep13. Please tell me there's more than one season?

Sorry confirmed there is only one season of 22 episodes. It may not have been something that ran out of steam for me, it likely just ran out of episodes. It's been awhile. I watched it when it came out. I just discovered.
It was pretty good to the end.

I think there were at least two seasons of that.

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