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RE: My daughter tried Coke for the first time today... Her reaction sums it up.

in #video7 years ago (edited)

WoW...hooked from the from the very first sip. I thought she was going to fall over. I'm so glad she's alright! She is alright...isn't she?

I'm wondering if you noticed anything different through the course of that day and the next. I'm assuming she's already had high spikes of sugar in her diet before this.

I think they should look into this further. Scan a toddler's brain when having their first intake of sugars, fries, chicken, hamburger, etc. This was scary to watch.

Mind you, I don't have any children but I don't believe I've ever witnessed something like this without there being an underlying condition. Maybe this is just "old normal" behavior...idk

She's adorable just the same...and...another star is born!

~smiles fer miles~


FYI, Over half a century ago a Nobel Prize was given for this: "Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar."

Thank you for sharing this.

Interesting how they promote the bad and suppress the good. I quit all beverages, including juices, more than 20 years ago. Water, coffee and the occasional beer. I am Canadian after all and I do live in a micro-brewed part of Canada. ~smiles fer miles~

hmm...seeing as I didn't manage to get back to sleep and I have to go to work soon I noticed in my feed that the video wasn't up anymore. So...being the steemit surfer I am I sought other seas through @steemking777 's source link that he in the post (here it is ) ...reddit...the video is down and one "earthos83" is the OP and claims to be the father.

He does however provide a link after taking some serious flak in the comments section and here is his response;

"If it's any consolation to others, we rarely go to MD. It was a treat, and our children hardly ever drink soda, our oldest being 6 and she's had maybe enough soda's to count on 1 hand. This vid was just pure comedy gold, and Reddit gives me a lot of laughs so I thought I would share. :)
Edit: for the grammar Nazis who take people too literally.
Edit: Here is the newest link to the video:

permalinkcontextfull comments (3669)" <<<<-----Note the # of comments

As you can the time of this posting the video is still available for viewing. Now I am not doing all this for any other reason than I resteemed it. Honestly I think this is a topic worth discussing...without casting blame toward the parent(s) of this beautiful child.

All I ask from @steemking777 is to please confirm...or deny...that he is the father and aka Earthos83. An explanation as to the sudden removal of the video from the first two platforms would also be in order if you have one.

Again, I mean no offence and I am not judging the method of parenting here. Just looking for some clarification and understanding.

~may all hatred cease...let there be peace~

EDIT: I really have to go to work now but I look forward to coming back here this evening to see what I shall see. Enjoy your day's just after 6AM here on the most southern tip of Vancouver Island...I sure could've used a few more hours sleep...but such is the world of a 2 week old Steemian...yes/no? ;-)

He is not the father of the child - which explains the immediate removal. This video is on YouTube and many people have re-posted it.

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