(Now Playing on DTube) EU Support for Fascism on Display: Western Funded Azov Battalion Flies Nazi SS Wolfsangel Flag in Occupied Mariupol

in #video7 years ago (edited)

Rarely seen (by western audiences) video filmed in the eastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol in June 2015 shows Azov battalion flying pro Nazi flags on year after suppression of Donbass separatists amongst the local population.


To see the official Azov battlion You Tube channel and numerous videos highlighting their pro-Nazi actions and proclivities, please see the following links:


Extensive evidence at the Clarity of Signal link above reveals that these battalions that led the overthrow of the legitimate government of Ukraine in 2014 have been financed and/or supported by Petro Poroshenko, Igor Kolomoisky, USAID, The George Soros Foundation, the government of Canada, the governments of the EU, as well as various large foundations.

Link to official Azov battalion media channel (ironically, not censored by You Tube/Google) -


The Wolfsangel was an initial symbol of the Nazi Party. In World War II the sign and its elements were used by various Nazi German storm divisions such as the Waffen-SS Division Das Reich and the Waffen-SS Division Landstorm Nederland.

As a Nazi symbol

The emblems of the National Socialist movement in the Netherlands (1931–1936), and the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich (1939-1945), the 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier Division (1939-1945) and the 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland (1943–1945)
In Nazi Germany, the Wolfsangel was used by:

the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich
the 4th SS Polizei Panzergrenadier Division
the 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland
the Sturmabteilung "Feldherrnhalle" Wachstandart Kampfrunen (Assault Unit—SA--"Warlord's Hall" Guard Regiment
the NS-Volkswohlfahrt organization
the "Flämische Nazionalsozialistische Kraftfahr Korps (Vlaamsche NSKK )
the "Vlaamse wacht" / zwarte brigade (Flemisch garde / Black brigade )
the "Dietse Militie" (Dietsch militia)
the Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging NSB, Dutch Nazi fascist party
the Werwolf plan of resistance against allied occupation was intended to use this symbol.

Social-National Party of Ukraine logo
Public exhibition of the symbol is illegal in Germany if a connection with one of these groups is apparent. After World War II, the symbol was used by some Neo-Nazi organizations. In United States extremist white supremacist Aryan Nations organization uses white Wolfsangel symbol with a sword replacing the cross-bar in its logo.

A similar sign was used in Ukraine by SNPU, Social-National Assembly and Azov Battalion. Group members claim that the symbol is an abbreviation for the slogan "Ідея Нації" (ukr. for "National Idea") and deny connection with Nazism.

Also it is used by the Church of Satan in horizontal form.


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To see who finances these fascist battalions look here:





Last June, Congress passed a resolution intended to block American military funding for Ukraine from being used to provide training or weaponry for the Azov Battalion. Congress is reported to have recently repealed its ban on a Ukrainian militia accused of being neo-Nazi, opening the way for American military assistance.

Last June, Congress passed a resolution intended to block American military funding for Ukraine from being used to provide training or weaponry for the Azov Battalion, an independent unit that had been integrated into the former Soviet Republic’s national guard and was taking part in operations against Russian- backed rebels. Called a “neo-Nazi paramilitary militia” by Congressmen John Conyers Jr. and Ted Yoho, who cosponsored the bipartisan amendment, the battalion has been a source of controversy since its inception.

With the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel symbol on its unit flash – which resembles a black swastika on a yellow background – and founders drawn from the ranks of the paramilitary national socialist group called “Patriot of Ukraine,” the group would have been a fringe phenomenon in any Western nation, but with its army unequipped to face the separatist threat in the east, Kiev actually integrated Azov into its military forces.

According to a report in The Nation, the Pentagon lobbied the House Defense Appropriations Committee to remove the Conyers-Yoho amendment from the 2016 defense budget, claiming it was unnecessary as such funding was already prohibited under another law.

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Dnipro-1’s headquarters are on the ground floor of the Dnipropetrovsk administration building. Upstairs sits the regional governor, Igor Kolomoisky. The arrangement is no accident: Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine’s most controversial billionaires, funds the paramilitary, which returns the favour in these troubled times by boosting the banking and industrial tycoon’s personal security and political clout.

All the signs are of a flourishing military enterprise. Young men with Kalashnikovs and pistols and several well dressed women working on laptops fill the anteroom to Bereza’s office.

Dnipro-1 has 700 men — “officially,” Bereza says with an enigmatic smile.

“Unofficially, it’s 7,000.”


Questions over the far right leanings of some volunteer groups and allegations of involvement in the murder of civilians cast a long shadow. One of the most controversial is the Azov Battalion, which uses the Wolfsangel insignia — an ancient design that was resurrected in Hitler’s Germany. The Azov has been linked to Oleg Lyashko, a politician accused of neo-Nazi sympathies.

Right Sector, an ultra-nationalist party, also has its own battalion of several hundred men on the frontlines, even if the government refuses to register or pay them. Dasha Slutskovska, a 29-year-old volunteer from the battalion in Dnipropetrovsk, conceded that Right Sector has an image problem — they are relentlessly portrayed in Russia’s state-controlled media as fascists.

Who is Kolomoisky?

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Naked Capitalism provides the low down on Kolomoisky’s offshore gas company Burisma Holdings which hired the US Vice Presidents son Hunter Biden in 2014, right around the time of the coup in Kiev……..


R. Hunter Biden Should Declare Who Really Owns His New Ukrainian Employer, Burisma Holdings

Additional article explains how Kolomoisky siphoned off $1.8 billion in IMF funds to his Cyprus accounts.....


HEART OF EMPIRE — August 13, 2015, 11:32 am
Undelivered Goods
How $1.8 billion in aid to Ukraine was funneled to the outposts of the international finance galaxy

Kolomoisky had built his multibillion dollar financial base partly thanks to his mastery of “raiding,” the local version of mergers and acquisitions, involving methods that would make even the most hardened Wall Street financier turn pale.


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Jewish politics

Kolomoyski is a prominent supporter of Ukraine’s Jewish community and the president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. In 2010 he was appointed as the president of the European Council of Jewish Communities after promising the outgoing president he would donate $14 million, with his appointment being described as a “putsch” and a “Soviet-style takeover” by other EJCJ board members. After several ECJC board members resigned in protest, Kolomyski quit the ECJC and, together with fellow Ukrainian oligarch Vadim Rabinovich, founded the European Jewish Union.

Here's his handy work........



As Ukraine’s armed forces tighten the noose around pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country, the western-backed government in Kiev is throwing militia groups – some openly neo-Nazi – into the front of the battle.

The Azov battalion has the most chilling reputation of all. Last week, it came to the fore as it mounted a bold attack on the rebel redoubt of Donetsk, striking deep into the suburbs of a city under siege.

But Kiev’s use of volunteer paramilitaries to stamp out the Russian-backed Donetsk and Luhansk “people’s republics”, proclaimed in eastern Ukraine in March, should send a shiver down Europe’s spine. Recently formed battalions such as Donbas, Dnipro and Azov, with several thousand men under their command, are officially under the control of the interior ministry but their financing is murky, their training inadequate and their ideology often alarming.

The Azov men use the neo-Nazi Wolfsangel (Wolf’s Hook) symbol on their banner and members of the battalion are openly white supremacists, or anti-Semites.

Much more on Kolomoisky and the fascist Ukrainian battalions can be found at the following link:


Wikileaks revealed current Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko as a CIA asset in 2006.
Link to Wikileaks cable revealing such - https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/06KIEV1706_a.html

Petro Poroshenko and the CIA
VOLTAIRE NETWORK | 11 JUNE 2014 http://www.voltairenet.org/article184209.html


I doubt this report could get wide enough coverage for me. Kolomoisky is amongst the most infernal of his vile ilk, and it is amazing to me the revelation of zionism allied to fascism isn't informing supposed left leaning organizations, such as the Democratic Party, or Antifa, in the USA.

My gut tells me that the left is returning to it's roots in National Socialism, AKA Nazi. What I see of their tactics, from incessant propaganda like CNN and MSM wholly owned media, Gifford's Trump head display, and SJW/Antifa's attacks on free speech on campuses and public streets around America, confirms this assessment.

They but await their Hitler to lead them to their glorious Homeland, a pure and clean internet, and a world purged of dissent. While it seems odd that Kolomoisky and such ethnic purists as the Azov force would be allied with western leftists that promote ethnic and sexual orientation diversity, in fact that promotion is used to infiltrate saboteurs and agents provocateurs from ISIS infested countries that give the NSA, CIA, and similar alphabet soup agencies justification for their oppressive powers.

When those subordinates and their pronouns are no longer useful, they will be rounded up, branded, and exterminated wholesale, to purify the cattle of the zionist ovelords. After revelations of their crimes, PR/propaganda will easily demonize the class of cattle so despised by the ruling fascists. It is predictable that rebound in public opinion will be created and controlled in this way.

Few have penetrated the propaganda surrounding the rise of Hitler and perceived the primarily zionist financial support the Nazis received prior to WWII. When attempting to ascertain the motives and goals of extant politicians, I find it is instructive to look at what they claim, and then note the covert acts are consistently exactly opposite. This enables the setup and defeat of the social organizations they most despise, the classes least desirable to them, as wholly controlled opposition, easily vanquished once their purposes have been served.

Ukraine is practically a re-release of the runup to WWII. Let us pray that no new Holodomor fruits from such fertile branches as are revealed by the savage pruning of humanity ongoing in Donbass.


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