(WATCH NOW) Comedy Trailer starring ME!!! (and a rant about online voting competitions)

in #video7 years ago

I think we can all agree I am looking MEGA SENSUAL in this pic from the set of MRS Baranovski: A super fun comedy film from the brilliant mind of Carolyn Goodyear! (see more of her work here: https://www.carolyngoodyear.com/goodyear-productions)

The project is only a trailer at this point in time because it was made for an online competition. Its going REALLY well so far and the film has been selected for the second round and if we make it to the final we stand a chance of pitching it at PINEWOOD STUDIOS!!! Click the link below the photo to see the movie:

baz getting soaked closeup.jpg


So now for my brief rant about online voting competitions.

Putting ARTWORK through the stages of a prestigious competition (with a £30,000 production budget at stake) based on the NUMBER of votes it receives on a website is LUDICROUS. Everyone is on social media touting there film and screaming VOTE VOTE VOTE for MEEEE and Im sitting there thinking..... hang on..... isn't the point supposed to be that people watch ALL of the films and then vote for the ones they think are most worthy? I realise that this industry is famous for being about WHO you know and not WHAT you know and that genuine talent is frequently ignored or undermined on the basis of a popularity, but THIS is just so BLATANTLY flawed that it doesn't even guarantee you a popular outcome! MOST of the people who vote on this competition will have ONLY watched the one video that they voted for because they were directed there by someone they know, and they will vote for it regardless of its quality because they are supporting a friend. What about the genius in the darkened corner who has just created the most boundary-breaking masterpiece ever conceived but has no friends on facebook? Doesn't that concern the people who are about to give £30,000 away to a film maker to go ahead and enrich our culture with their work? I don't know. It concerns me. Im sure most competitions don't work this way..... but this one has definitely irked me a little. I just don't get why you would EVER employ this selection technique on an online forum.... (well I can kind of imagine some reasons, but I don't like them)

Anyway, with all that said, please check out all the films on offer if you have the time. You can vote for as many as you like I think, but vote for the projects that you would REALLY like to see get a £30,000 makeover. I want to win. But not at the expense of BETTER TALENT!!!
Here is a link to the full page of projects in the competition longlist:


I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST making this film and Carolyn tells me there is another project in the pipeline so WATCH THIS SPACE! There will be more comedy to come....

Be Very Good to each other steemies

Love from Basil x


Basil it looks amazing... I laughed my ass off with the Bible scene!!! freaking brilliant... when is this coming out for mere mortals to watch?

glad you liked it dude! Its LITERALLY just a trailer at this stage....there is no film. Its been made as a pitch for this competition so that HOPEFULLY we get funded to make it in to a proper short film....! But win or not, there WILL be more! keep a look out man ;)

This looks awesome!!!!

thanks man! It was really fun to film :D

Woah! that was so well done, I laughed my ass off! never underestimate the power of running hose and tight jeans. :D kudos to all the actors, everyone did such an amazing performance, especially the Mrs. Resteemed, upvoted, and will attempt to cast my vote n the site as well.

wow thanks anka! Im glad you guys are enjoying it so much :) I really appreciate the support.... I have to say, taking off wet skinny jeans is one of the hardest jobs :D

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