
Door handles are just like in Fiat Barchetta model. :)

I dont like this car's exterior design. This is a new innovative machine, but it looks like an old Lexus IS model. Nothing special. I think the car should have a more futuristic design details. Everything else I like

These type of door handles is not that is something new in the market, not only Fiat used them, also Aston Martin, Jaguar, Nissan... and Tesla of course :)

Car design is nothing more than your personal taste, expectations and personality, so for some its a piece of art and some its just another simple design...

But you can't deny the fact that a technology Tesla delivered to us is unique and has shaken the world (fully electric, autonomous driving and easy to use cars, with no periodic maintenance required to change oil and other mechanical parts). Tesla showed for all fossil fuel car manufacturers a clear path how to create cars in the near future, so the market only right now has turned 180 degrees and every body is trying to catch up and compete with Tesla.

I agree with you, that's just the beginning.

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