They Live the movie, examined with commentary.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #video8 years ago

Wooohooo! Just uploaded my 25th video to my YouTube channel. I'm on a roll!

Around a year ago I only had 5 not so great videos on my channel..

In a year I've uploaded 2 high quality short films, and 18 other smaller interesting videos, mostly music videos and Vlogs and things like that..

I am definitely starting to have a collection for people to look through and I'm definitely taking this a lot more serious now! And I'm.. 1/4th of the way to my next goal of 100 vids!

People on YouTube who are successful say you shouldn't really even look at your subscriptions or views or stats until you get 100 videos uploaded, and while I look at my stats every day obsessively even to notice when I get a single extra view or subscriber.. I still generally agree with those people, and.. I'm not taking any of my stats very seriously until I get 100 videos.

I have a goal to get there in a year from now.. But.. 75 more videos in a year?!!?!? FUCK.

20 was hard enough, though.. I wasn't necessarily putting in the insane amount of effort I have been the last couple months.. I think it's possible.. Especially if I do a bunch of smaller vlog type videos and music videos. :)

Okay so anyways.. I need to get going soon, and I don't usually post my videos this late because it works better earlier in terms of views, though.. I just wanted to kinda make this post and share the link, and I'll probably share it again tomorrow as well, or sometime soon.

The vid I just released is a lil commentary video on the movie "They Live" where I go into some things I discovered and talk about the possibility that the movie itself is a conspiracy. I think it's a very interesting little clip! And if you're into conspiracies and stuff I think you'll like it.

Though.. I would like to ask a request for anyone who happens to read this and watch the video.. Could you tell me if my narration audio is too low? I feel like it's a lil low and I should turn the volume on my voice up, or the music down a hair.. If it's really bad please let me know and I'll fix it and re upload the video, if it's not horrible.. Also please lemme know and then I'll keep it up as is. I feel like it's really close to being too low, but it might be okay.. I'm not sure.

Thanks for your time and I hope you have a good night! Link to the vid will be below.


I like your work. Just keep working, your work is important. Just focus on your work. These other issues will work themselves out!

Thanks for the nice words, the advice and the encouragement! I have a strong feeling you are right. :) Just gotta keep working hard, and that work will speak for itself someday even more than it already has! Cheers, and you just earned yourself another follower on here. ._.

I would say focus on the quality first and foremost.

I agree. Quality is super important, and I'm not trying to sacrifice quality in my effort to get 100 videos. Though I do admit, some of the videos are.. Quicker projects, especially the little vlogs and things, they aren't like the really long short film projects that I put a LOT of time into.

However.. If I put that much time into every video.. I would only have a couple videos up, and maybe I could finish like one a year or longer.. The first short film took 5 years! So.. I definitely have to work on the smaller quicker projects I think, even if they aren't the HIGHEST level of quality possible.

Thanks for your advice and I will watch the link in a lil bit when I get a chance.

How does flagging me, piss off berniesanders? I don't understand.

Not sure. He seems to just like to use it against me to make me look like a monster. He is very feeble minded see. Like aboriginal simple. So I think maybe it just sends a spark or something up to the old noodle to act crazy if you know what I mean. I'm sure you get it. Just a few biscuits short of a breakfast I'd say Bob. Every now and then you get a pimple and you just got to pop it also. This is that time bob. Examples: Bull and red flag. Example 2: I couldn't think of a second example. To be continued...

It would be moral eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich wouldn't it?

Yeah cause.. I don't see how I play into your feud with bernie? I read your other 3 responses and I'm still confused.. I don't really know what to say. I'm not sure why you guys are fighting and I don't know why you're taking part of it out on me and others unconnected to bernie?

By flagging my post? Isn't flagging a negative thing?

Keep up the good work dude. lol, laterz ~

Thanks. Peace.

I also want you to know I enjoyed getting to tell you the facts about the real bernie sanders. Catch me all 7 days a week. I am your live update on ALL the blockchain mama drama. Know what I steem jellybean? Hi^5

I'll be your host. Sec, gotta see which account I'm on.... .... .... ..... ..... ...
@iLoveUpvotes ! :D

Which brings me to my original comment. I have way too many youtube channels. Not that it's relevant. lol

look, how many upvoted you just because I'm here. I coming dragging super heroes! Seeya! :D

Lol.. I guess the comments do help, but.. Does it make up for the flag?

You didn't flag yourself did you mr.? :/

Lmao. I'm just messing with you man in a hit and run lol. There is no flag on it. And I changed text. lol. Have a good night bro. No beef lol. No flag either lol.

Please Mr. Do not hurt me for upvoting you.

I don't really want to get into a beef with you to be straight forward, and I don't even know what the fight is about, so I'd rather stay out of it. Thanks for the upvotes, still confused about why you flagged me though.

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