

All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

was not written to show people that nobody is good enough, on their own merits, to merit eternal life. It was written to show religious people that they too, are sinners, just like the people they looked down on. Jesus told us what to DO to inherit eternal life: "Love God and love your neighbor. DO this and live." How hard is that to do? I'm not preaching "works salvation". Catholics and Muslims who are trying to earn salvation by good works are practicing "works salvation," but how can you earn what's already yours? What did you ever do to forfeit your salvation in the first place? Who told you you aren't good enough for God? The Bible didn't tell you that. Religious people like Kent Hovind told you that.

If God let us into heaven with even one sin we would ruin the whole place.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard all year. When you go to heaven you get a new spiritual body. You couldn't take your sin with you if you wanted to. Kent, "You know not the scriptures or the power of God."

you're making steemit a great community with your content a-0-0! keep it up!

Plagiarism and spam doesn't make Steemit great though.

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Yes im going to heaven nice post carry on dear i love u so much upvote ur post @a-0-0

Piense en todas las cosas buenas que usted recibirá por obedecer a Jehová. Tendrá salud perfecta: sin enfermedades ni achaques. Además, podrá confiar en todo el mundo, porque no habrá personas malas.
No habrá dolor ni lágrimas. Nadie se hará viejo ni morirá.

Sus amigos y sus familiares estarán con usted. Será maravilloso vivir en la Tierra hecha un paraíso.
Nadie vivirá con miedo. La gente será feliz.
El Reino de Dios acabará con todo el sufrimiento (Revelación [Apocalipsis] 21:3, 4)

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Accept Jesus as your savior romans10:13

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