in #vida6 years ago

Continuing with the series Health pro reform, two remedies are described below that are no less important than the previous ones, and that can go hand in hand. In the correct dose, sunlight is one of the great allies of health, not only of the mind but also of the body. The investigations already revealed the fundamental role in the production of vitamin D, responsible for the proper functioning of the organism. Its main action is related to the metabolism of calcium, an essential element in the prevention of ailments such as osteoporosis and rickets. The so-called seasonal depression is caused by long periods without sun. Regulated by the cycle of light and shadow, the functioning of the body can be compromised in case there is imbalance between these two elements.

One of the main guidelines is that houses have places with solar lighting. Sometimes it is necessary to remove curtains, open the windows, raise the blinds so that the rays of the sun enter the rooms.

Practical suggestions
If you do not have sensitive skin and do not take medications that cause photo sensitivity, take at least 15 to 20 minutes of sun per day between 10 am and 3 pm, on the arms and legs, without the use of sunscreen.
The effects of sun exposure are enhanced if combined with physical exercise and pure air.
For those who have greater sensitivity, it is recommended to sunbathe before 10 and after 15 hours.

Por otro lado, tenemos al ejercicio, el ejercicio físico libera en el cerebro sustancias que proporcionan una sensación de paz y tranquilidad. Son las endorfinas, neurotransmisores ligados a la generación de bienestar y de placer. Por ser un potente liberador de endorfina, el ejercicio físico crea una buena dependencia cuando se lo practica regularmente y hace falta como lo haría cualquier otra sustancia asociada al placer.

Cualquier actividad física en la que haya gasto de energía y aumento del metabolismo, sea la tal ocupacional (subir escaleras, cargar un paquete, hacer compras, lavar el auto, barrer la casa), sea formal (pedalear, nadar, danzar, caminar, correr), se la tiene en cuenta para el gasto calórico diario de la persona.

Los adventistas sugieren que las actividades físicas se hagan diariamente, por lo menos 30 minutos cada día. Hay también estudios recientes que dicen que tres sesiones de 10 minutos proporcionan los mismos beneficios que una sesión de media hora.

Sugerencias prácticas
Haga un plan de actividad física, pero siempre consulte a un médico antes de comenzar. Tenga en cuenta aspectos como la frecuencia, la intensidad, el tiempo y el tipo de actividad física.
Aprenda más sobre los ejercicios físicos e investigue los asuntos relacionados a su interés en particular.
Evalúe su desempeño.
Comience de una vez, muévase y mantenga ese programa.
On the other hand, we have to exercise, physical exercise releases substances in the brain that provide a sense of peace and tranquility. They are the endorphins, neurotransmitters linked to the generation of well-being and pleasure. Because it is a powerful endorphin releaser, physical exercise creates a good dependence when it is practiced regularly and is needed as would any other substance associated with pleasure.

Any physical activity in which there is energy expenditure and increased metabolism, whether it is occupational (climbing stairs, carrying a package, shopping, washing the car, sweeping the house), be formal (pedaling, swimming, dancing, walking, run), it is taken into account for the daily caloric expenditure of the person.

Adventists suggest that physical activities be done daily, at least 30 minutes each day. There are also recent studies that say that three 10-minute sessions provide the same benefits as a half-hour session.

Practical suggestions
Make a physical activity plan, but always consult a doctor before starting. Take into account aspects such as frequency, intensity, time and type of physical activity.
Learn more about physical exercises and investigate issues related to your particular interest.
Evaluate your performance.
Start at once, move and maintain that program.


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Good article! Though we can't apply it here most of the time. Summer is on here in Philippines that's why it's getting hotter and hotter each day. I don't think it is advisable to do sun exposure at between 10am to 3pm at this kind of season of ours. We can't stand the hotness on that time. Unless we are on the beach maybe we can consider :)

If you're right. He placed it as a reference. I am from Venezuela and the summer is not so bad, but the schedules must be set by the one who will do it and depending above all on the climate by region. Thanks for the comment.

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