Vice Industry Token No Longer Airdropping to Steem Holders

in #viceindustrytoken7 years ago

With the slogan "Get Paid to Watch Porn", Vice Industry Token has made a lot of noise about disrupting the crypto and porn industries.

In an email distributed to crowdsale and whitelisted individuals, the Vice Industry Token team have announced that they have decided to reneg on their offer of an airdrop to STEEM token holders.

The email, titled "Exciting Bonus News" details that the tokens promised for STEEM holders, would instead be distributed via a bonus system, awarding up to an 80% bonus for crowdsale participants.

With this news, they also announce that they are no longer going to be a SMT on the STEEM blockchain.

From the email:

Throughout the crowdsale, people have asked why we continue to support Steem when we no longer planned to become a Steem Smart Media Token. We were planning to airdrop VIT to Steem holders. Today we announce that we will no longer be supporting any airdrop to Steem holders. After careful consideration, the Vice Industry Token management team and advisors decided unanimously through consensus that VIT will instead reward only direct participants of the VIT crowdsale.

“It is the smart thing to do. It is the right thing to do”, said Stuart Duncan, CEO of VIT. “We did not see any necessity to reward people not involved directly with the crowdsale. However, I see a great necessity in rewarding our direct supporters, especially our early supporters. This Super Bonus goes a long way to rewarding participation in an attention economy utility token in its infancy. Rewarding active participants of the VIT crowdsale rewards people whose incentives are aligned perfectly with our own.”

The email, which reads like a press release, goes on to say that the crowdsale had raised over $20m worth of ETH in its first 24 hours. While that may have been true prior to recent adjustments in the crypto market; the current value of funds submitting to the VIT Smart Contract, 0x7a121269E74D349b5ecFccb9cA948549278D0D10; equals a slim total of USD$14,556,536.07, or approx 24,000 Ether.

You can read the full release here.

What are your thoughts on Vice Industry Token no longer being a SMT?


It never really made sense to me; but I was looking forward to the free money.
Easy come, easy go :)

I enquired about the refund functionality in their smart contract for my pitiful 0.2ETH in their telegram channel, and appear to have been banned. :D

Hhhhmmm. Sounds like a real trustworthy company if they are silencing any ‘enquiries’ from investors!

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