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RE: What You Need To Know About Telling Veterans "Thank You" on Veterans Day - A Veteran's Perspective

in #veterans7 years ago

I'm so glad you could really identify with it. As much as I wrote it to educate the masses on our struggles after getting out, I also wrote it for all my fellow veterans out there who might need to see this message just as much, if only to have some sort of reassurance or reminder that they are not alone in their struggle. Obviously an online form of support doesn't quite compare to support from a physical human being in your physical presence, but it's better than not having anyone at all, right?

I am very sorry to hear that you have lost friends after coming home, too. It brings tears to my eyes writing this even now because of how deeply seated in my head all the emotional trauma and PTSD is, that anytime I come across any mention or depiction of troops dying in war or veterans committing suicide after coming home, the tears just start to flow uncontrollably.

You're absolutely right, I really do wish that people would see that bottom line truth, that the government is using children to fight these wars for profit under the false impression that they are going to be doing a great service to our country by "protecting our freedoms" and the like. The brainwashing definitely starts at an early age, and I, too, fell prey to that kind of trickery once upon a time. Luckily for me, certain catalysts during my time in the military caused me to have a rude awakening and I saw the racket for what it is.

Thank you so much for your kind words on my writing, I really appreciate it. I struggle a lot of times because I'm my own worst critic and I tend to believe that my writing isn't anything special or that no one would want to read things that I write. So it really means a lot to me even though to others it might just equate to a few words on a screen. Congratulations on your own Veterans Day post getting curated by Whaleshares last night though, they dropped the link and I was like, "Oooooh nice, I know him!" :P


No problem man. Like I said, I feel you have a gift and I really appreciate you sharing your most difficult moments in life so other people can learn, heal and/or grow from it.
I'm my own worse critic too, but I don't think of that as a bad thing I guess, cuz if I don't hold myself to a standard no one will these days :/
Im glad you got to see the whaleshares chat, I messed up the time zone and showed up a hour late. I have gotten a few nice comments since the chat so I would imagine it went well. :)
I'm glad steemit brought us together bro, It's nice connecting to other veterans on the same level. I don't speak to many of my battles anymore because of where I'm at in my journey in life, its not a bad thing, we all grow through life differently and we are now on separate paths. I have let go of my anger and hate and found truth, not many of us find a path to healing and I can't allow my healing to be slowed by others who are not on the same path at this point in my journey. Everyone heals differently. So thanks for being my new battle on this point of my journey, I look forward to getting to know you better over time my brother.. take care, oh and I made a comment on your new post yesterday, id love a response whenever u got the time bro! ;)

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