February Veteran's Story Contest! My DEMOB Story! Little Things In Life Can Mean The Most!

in #veterans7 years ago

Picture From Pixabay.Com

When my unit deployed to Iraq our MOB station was Ft McCoy WI. We all thought that the DEMOB would be in the same place as it is the way it is done. To our surprise, our chain of command had done some work and got it changed to Camp Shelby MS. It was great as we where a unit from Gulfport MS, we got the chance for some of us to see our families a little sooner than expected. If you got the approval you could sign out and go home every night to be with your family and had to report in every morning 0600 and sign in.

We had bought a house in Alabama so I was going to have to wait for the month or so to see my family as to them moving to the new house. So I did not get on the list to be approved for that and did not expect anything but to be in the barracks for that month or so. But I had a surprise I did not expect!

When we landed in Gulfport MS. The unit admin told me to come to his office and talk to him before getting on the bus to go to the DEMOB station. I went after getting gear and everything unloaded and everything ready for DEMOB and I had a package there that was for me. In this package was my cell phone, I let it at home as it would do me no good overseas in Iraq and did not want one more thing to keep up with. I called my wife and told her I was in MS. and we talked a few minutes as we traveled to the DEMOB station.

We got to our barracks area and I saw a car parked in the parking area that looked like our car and I thought there are lots of cars like ours and it was one of the other soldiers family there to see him. I did not think anything about it being my family was 4 1/2 hours away in Alabama. To my surprise, When the soldiers that were going to be off post was called out I was on the list. It was our car! My wife had rented a short-term place and was going to be there for the month or so while on DEMOB. It was a great surprise, the unit admin knew about it two weeks before and told me nothing, it was a great surprise and it was one of the best months of that deployment. I had to take leave early in my deployment so I had not seen my family in about 9 months it was great. It is funny how the little things in life mean the most to you. Thanks for spending your time to read a little about my life and hope everyone has a great day/night, whatever it is in your neck of the woods.

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Delegate To The "Humvee" Bot @shadow3scalpel


this is great story bring tears to my eyes .i have a cousin who is in the milatary and i dont see him for atleast 3 years ,he was in iraq and when the family did see him bro ,we all were in tears ,it was so emotional ,family is everything ,you got to take care of them ,your story is touching man ,alot of soldiers dont get to see their families ,its a virtue and a privilege.continue sharing great stories .

Many soldiers had to wait to see their families as they were out of the 45-mile radius that was required for this. Some of the guys had no family to welcome them home. My family knew some of them so it helped that they took the time to welcome them home also. Had a couple come over to eat a good meal with us. Thanks for reading!


Beep!Beep! @shadow3scalpel & listkeeper @chairborne have your six new veterans, retirees and military members on STEEM. We’ll be patrolling by to upvote your posts (because you are on the list) and we'll answer any questions you leave us. Comment by @shadowspub. This is a opt-in bot.

Awww...good one for the season.

@basicstoliving this post was presented at the evening session of Pimp Your Post Thursday on the Steemit Ramble Discord. It was one of five choosen for the video report on the session. Just stopping back to let you know that you can see your name in lights right here. (Just kidding about the lights :)

Great story! Thanks for entering our veteran's story contest.

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