March of the Dead Veterans

in #veterans6 years ago

motdv flier.jpg
When I got out of the military and joined Iraq Veterans Against the War, I started a peer support group for veterans with PTSD because I was sick of seeing the veterans around me struggle and didn't want to let anyone whom I knew personally become casualties of this silent war. We called it Homefront Battle Buddies. I thought that the problem would subside or that if the root causes weren't addressed, the American people would at least be able to properly confront the epidemic of veteran suicides. Neither has happened. We still have a VA pushing dangerous psychotropic medications that LIST suicide as a side effect. We still have the CRIMINAL war on drugs that keeps veterans from pursuing safe and effective treatments. Despite Trump saying that terminally ill patients should not have to go abroad to seek experimental treatments, veterans are made criminals for using drugs that actually treat PTSD. Please help me do something about and get the American people to face up to the reality of this problem. Please let every veteran you can know about this, especially those in the New Orleans area. Please spread the graphic above everywhere you can, but especially to military and veterans groups.



Thank you for your service, what you're doing is truly amazing. It's really sad how our troops go out an risk everything for this country and come home and are forgotten. Please continue to fight and have your brave voice heard!

Hey Adam, I am putting this date in my calendar. I live in Pensacola and would be stoked to be part of this.

As a cold war Marine, I have dealt with a lot of issues with the VA. Smartly refusing SSRIs a few years ago was the right thing to do.

Look forward to meeting you.

Only thing is you are requesting we wear suits. Well, it's going to be July in New Orleans. And, I hope you have some Corpsmen to serve up some IV bags.

Most likely, I will show up with my Camera and shoot the event. I have a professional digital cinema camera. It's a Sony FS5, I got from my VA Chapter 13 benefits. Had to battle them to make them pay for a Full Sail Online education.

I like the idea of handing the VA over to the Vets. And, ending the war on drugs would be a win for all concerned. Except of course Big Pharma!

Thanks for your time.

Castelluci, Anthony, Corporal of Marines, WSSI - 1 Each

We thought of that. Hopefully it won't be too hot that early in the morning! We will have first aid support on hand and plenty of water.

Oh, dude! New Orleans in the morning in July will still be hot.

Sent you an eMail about making a feature documentary on all this. Let me know if you are interested.

I echo @fakeinternetnews "oh dude!" I lived in Pensacola for 10 years and went through OCS in the summer there. Believe me, it was already muggy and warm when we mustered for PT at 0530 and by 7 AM when the sun was up and we were going to chow, it was freaking miserable in light PT gear. Marching a couple blocks in washed khakis left us pouring sweat, so I can't begin to imagine a suit, and I don't imagine New Orleans would be any better than Pcola.

What else can be taken away from a soul than life itself. I can't even bear to think about it too much because it hurts so bad. I pray there is a god and that there is a reward for them that have been so devastated. How did we get here. So bereft of love. I want to make a difference. Thank you for your voice.

That's a decent idea, though the government does not care about any veterans or current soldiers. They send you there to kill or die and if you return of course you are traumatized because killing other people is not a good thing. Then you buy Big Pharma drugs to deal with the trauma and you end up even worse. Whats the real solution? End the war, stop sending people in the army, it doesn't serve you but only the ruling class and their agenda!

you have chosen the right path I think @adamkokesh after you get out of the army you feel the freedom.
** our self is a reflection for others and vice versa others is a reflection for ourselves ** @adamkokesh has reflected freedom in the prospect of peaceful life against unfair and I make you the motivation of my life in fighting for freedom.

I'm not a veteran, but I've been a victim of a war that hit my country and it's very sad to be remembered
Thanks you @adamkokesh

The next big action like this will be for the victims of war.

I want to live free and peaceful, but I do not want to be coward

Very nice post, thanks for sharing

This movement is of a necessity.

I also write in my blog about **FIND YOUR FREEDOM BEHIND THE DOOR ** (invites everyone to achieve freedom in honest and fair prospects) if you do not mind visiting for a little advice on my writing. I hope many people are motivated by you, my teacher @adamkokesh and my prayers are always accompanying

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