Captian Richard Marcinko's mission of hope.

in #veteran6 years ago

I do have permission to share from the Great Captain himself and this is that he heals that really captured my heart and I really need to share more information about this.

But who thinks they can threaten a Veteran? Not on my watch...

I may be an extremely humble person doing all of this off of my cell phone but I can talk about it and I can help the movement to take action and it spread awareness.

Unfortunately I don't have the ability to do block quotes and I really wish @cheetah would help me out with a link...

With privacy limitations the links that I am posting don't work unless you are already his friend.

However they have both been invited to a place where they cannot be censored and are rewarded for the work that they do.

I am absolutely super excited to be able to help in a positive way.

Two new accounts are coming and both of them promise to be showing some amazing things...

And unfortunately I cannot do block quotes on my phone so I'm going to quote directly from Captain Richard marcinko from his Facebook profile.

"This is Karla and Riaan. Ask my permission before you share

For those asking why, I am doing what I am doing why take on this fight.

I was at a location few years ago for a reason, there was some very important USA state department people. That was involve with children.
I help a team to rescue these children, a lot of arrest were made, a lot walked because of their diplomatic status, the traffickers or handlers kept very good records, they have to, it is what gives them the protection that need for doing their job.

DNA proof told us who is Riaan´s father, no names will be disclosed, due to her legal case.
This person is above the law or that is what he thinks, i will with the help of friends pop the bubble he lives in.

Riaan suffers from Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome (OMS), also known as Opsoclonus-Myoclonus-Ataxia (OMA), is a rare neurological disorder of unknown cause which appears to be the result of an autoimmune process involving the nervous system that started with tumors just before his first birthday.

This girl was ready to give up, she is not 16 yet with a 3 year old boy, she cant go anywhere until her case is sorted, and to make matters worse is the diplomatic arse who did it to her, she can be stranded for years.

She was placed into an angels care, This lady work with victims of trafficking, men, women and children. This lady knows what it is to be a victim stuck in a political game.

She is living under constant threat and danger not because of where she lives, but because of who is involve. I have been threatened, Ken has been threatened. The things they do to try and get to the victims, the things they do to try and harm you.

Sadly the people doing this is my own country´s State department to cover up a couple of big shots.

Now dont ever tell me to step back, to not make this personal. look at this photo and tell me if you found her in the state I did, all battered and bruise by the hands of an official that I am suppose to respect, that you will not feel the same anger.

Look into her eyes and think about telling her what happened to her was her fault, i dare you.......Think long and hard before you take me on because of my soft heart, she does not deserve the hand she was dealt because of some American diplomatic prick that wanted a little girl.

What would you do if this was your child, your daughter or granddaughter .

This is a photo of them taken in the past year, i will not publish up to date photos of them."

end quote

Out of respect I won't publish the picture. But I can't be idle...

I dare people to support bot me but good causes and really make change. Here soon we will have that chance...

Karlasuniquekrafts on facebook is amazing. Please look it up.

Honored to help in whatever small way I can.

And if you are a friend or any sort of human I challenge us all to help them grow and get the support that they need and deserve.


Either you run the day or the day runs you. Great job!

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