Worm Farming - Bucket Sifter Review

Today I am going to do another review on something I use very much in my worm farm for composting worms, also mealworms and superworms. These are my five gallon bucket sifters. You can buys these in many places and they are actually made for gold panning but work great for worms.


I use the 1/4th, 1/8th and 1/12th for my worm castings and I use the 1/8th for sifting and rotating darkling beetles along with the 1/30th for sifting out frass from my mealworm bins. These sifters work really well and are worth the investment. They are not going to work like a industrial electric compost sifter and you are going to have to actually put in the work but once you learn to use them it really is not that bad. You can also come up with your own ways to sift like set it on top of a washing machine and let the vibration do the work if you want to come up with a setup like that.

These sifters will separate out your frass from your bins keeping it very fine for packaging to sell and also keeps you from wasting to much bran since you can reuse everything that does not pass threw. This is light years ahead of using a kitchen colander which really only works to separate out your beetles. If you are looking to save money on your substrates or package and sell your product then these are a cheap investment for what you get.


You can buy these one at a time of in sets of five or nine. It is much cheaper to buy the sets but if you are only needing two sizes it may not be worth it. I use the larger sizes from the sets to sift my outside compost and the smaller screens past 1/30th for screening my worm teas. These are a great help to have for small worm farms that don't need larger sifting setups that cost a lot of money and take up a lot of space.



I farm worms in the summer in my bins but i have yet to try doing it indoors, too worried of the smell, or knocking the thing over or my cats getting into it and digging them out all over the place hahaha

smell is not a problem but cats can be

Lol thier little bastards. they get into anything

My bin sits in my grow room and my cats love it. It's their favourite spot to sleep. It's got cardboard on top of the soil though. I don't find it smells at all.

Haha mine like curling up ontop of the fridge or my laptop

Ours have never bothered with the fridge that I know of. I should look up there for little paw prints in the dust.

Lol my big cat, the 27 pound bengal and mainecoone cross bothers everything and anything haha

27 pounds? Wow, that's some big bothering right there. You'd definitely feel that sleeping on you in the night.

He isnt allowed in my room LOL too many expensive electronics for him to fuck up. hes moreso a outside kitty. but comes in for winter they have the back porch and living room/ kitchen to roam. keep all other doors shut so they dont screw stuff up and have the tv in the living room screwed down to the cabinet, learnt my lesson after he smashed a 65 inch smart tv trying to attack a bird he saw on screen lol

Crazy part is hes only a year and 5 months old, not technically full grown for another 7 months, hope he dont have anymore growth spurts cause hes already way bigger then we ever expected him to get and hes not fat, hes tall and thick. his paws when stretched are bigger around then the top of a pop can.

I love this idea! thank you! re steemed!

Where would you go about getting them, and what are they called? Are these what they call classifiers?

Still haven't dug (pun intended ;) into the worm farming. Will be following your posts to get up the courage to incorporate worms into our homestead. I know how amazing they are!

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