What is Vermicompost?

in #vermicompost3 years ago

"Vermicompost is the product of earthworm digestion and aerobic decomposition using the activities of micro- and macroorganisms at room temperature. Vermicomposting, or worm composting, produces a rich organic soil amendment containing a diversity of plant nutrients and beneficial microorganisms."

"Earthworms will consume most organic materials, including food preparation residuals and leftovers, scrap paper, animal manure, agricultural crop residues, organic byproducts from industries, and yard trimmings"

"Vermicomposting is regarded as a clean, sustainable, and zero-waste approach to manage organic wastes but there are still some constraints in the popularization of vermicomposting. Instead of increasing research in the field of vermicomposting, practical application of vermicomposting needs more attention. Vermicomposting on a large scale is required to solve the problem of waste disposal effectively and on a global level. One of the major constraints is the lack of awareness and proper knowledge regarding vermicomposting and the use of vermicompost."

"Vermicompost is the stabilized solid material left after worms have eaten all the organic matter in a compost pile. Vermicompost is often called castings."

"Vermicompost is the materiel left behind after worms eat and digest kitchen scraps and other types of organic matter. It is aged worm poop, also referred to as worm castings."

"The use of worm farms for vermicomposting is becoming a favorite way of converting waste to a valuable product while also growing more worms to increase the capacity of the worm farms."

"Vermicompost contains water-soluble nutrients and is an excellent, nutrient-rich organic fertilizer and soil conditioner"

"Vermicomposting is the use of worms as a composting method to produce vermicompost. Vermiculture is worm farming for the production of worms. In recent years, worm farming has been practiced on both a small and large scale with three complementary goals in mind: waste diversion, vermicomposting, and vermiculture."

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