Promoting Elite Players: Newsletter Day 2

in #venture2 years ago (edited)


If a venture crumbles to the ground, you at least know that it wasn't meant to be. The absence of the thing creates space. That space can be filled by something else. Something that will expand you.

What was the original intention behind what you created? Once you've moved the thing into motion, it's as though it takes on that intention completely, leaving very little or no room for you to course correct later.

If it was created out of desperation, out of a need to prove something, or out of self-importance, it has no choice but to evolve into the fullest expression of whatever that is.

Basically, at that point, it's fucked. What is the fullest expression, for example, of desperation? A steaming pile of reeking insecurity no one would even want to touch with a 28-foot pole.

Trying to find all the reasons to explain to another is a waste of time. It mostly comes across as ignorance, lack of diligence, oversight, excuses, or justification, even if that wasn't the intent. Good relationships can be ruined or at least held back by pointing out the strategies or tactics that aren't working.

It wasn't a strategy or tactical problem to begin with. It was an intention problem. Ironically, you're the only one that has the potential to see it. No mentor, coach, or mastermind group can identify it on your behalf.

Or, more specifically, it's a "you're no longer in alignment with something you created 10 years ago" problem. You're at a higher vibration now. There's a mismatch going on that you can't ever hope to reconcile. The best thing to do is to move on.

You will wish, of course, that you had known some of this sooner. But it can be hard to let go, and even if you had known, would you have surrendered?

I've always said that a void has to be filled by something else. When you let go of one thing, something else comes along to replace it. It works like clockwork. It doesn't mean you always get what you want. But the process isn't complicated. You simply keep discarding what you don't want until what you do want lands in your lap.

Pineapple? No. Orange? Naw. Mango? Hot damn!

Even with that knowledge, I have, at times, been challenged with letting go of businesses, projects, homes, churches, relationships, shirts worn by girls I liked, and a great deal more.

You've got to move into alignment again. Find what expands you beyond what you've already done and what you already know.

Otherwise, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Tomorrow will be no different than yesterday. You can only know this hell if you've been through it.

Fuck the personal development books that say "today's a new day." It's a god damn lie for anyone who's stuck in a "you're no longer in alignment with something you started 10 years ago" problem. Especially if there's no one else around with the empathy or wisdom to relay that critical message.

Although it's hell, it's telling you something. It's telling you that it's time to let go. It's telling you that you're going to be okay if you let go. You won't need to fill the void. The void will fill itself, without effort. Just give it time.

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