Presidential elections, the point of view from a Venezuelan

Presidential elections venezuela
the point of view from a local


First of all I write this article with the help of google translator, sorry mistakes will have the article.

If I could describe all the feelings that pass through me and most of Venezuelans describe the following word, uncertainty. We Venezuelans have gone through a lot these last four years taking the country to confrontation, hyperinflation, despair and discontent. I am unhappy so do not miss a partial article. the current Venezuelan leader supported by the armed forces has 82% of repudiation according to the polls but anyway he plans to win the elections taking into account the following:

  • The national electoral council, rector that governs electoral commission, is totally biased with the government.

  • The main candidates of the opposition are imprisoned, in exile or politically disqualified.

  • the current government coerces the masses with the withdrawal of food benefits and special bonuses that is the only thing that keeps them alive at this moment.

This has achieved that 82 countries of the world that currently recognize Maduro as a dictator, do not recognize these elections as they do not have the necessary conditions. due to this we expect a high percentage of abstention, a strategy once again assumed by the government since it is convenient for people not to go out to vote and stay quiet in their home, a serious error in my opinion since I think we have to go out and defend your right even in the scenario of cheating. In any case, the intention to vote and the intention to vote even greater despite the obstacles, the discontent is felt especially in the poorest, who have not only lost their purchasing power but also their family and friends who have left the country or that have died due to lack of medicines.


The candidates


Nicolas Maduro

The current ruler, heir to the power that Chavez left after dying, and consuming all he could even with the $ 100 oil barrel could not contain the great disaster that is Venezuela today, when the oil price is low, the blames the "empire" for sabotaging it economically. Now he says that with a presidential term, he will solve all our problems.


Javier Bertucci

A pastor of the evangelical church, without a clear economic proposal offers us an option where his project is that he and God will solve our problems, there is no doubt that his organization has been helping the dispossessed with food for some time and is famous for make soups and distribute them, but again give free things to people is not the solution, this man is also involved in the case "panama papers" and also has several demands for corruption. Seriously is this a presidential candidate?.



Henry Falcon

Henry Falcon, who has held important positions as mayor and governor, has the necessary experience and does not go around the bush. but his old past is related to the government of Chavez, who changed to the opposition after seeing so many injustices and disagreements on the part of the state, some people believe that he has agreed with mature, but he says he will never negotiate with a government dictatorial.

Its proposal is to dollarize the economy, there are precedents of this as it is the country of Ecuador, with a structured plan the raises a minimum wage of $ 75 to get out of the crisis, the current minimum wage barely reaches $ 3 per month, and each day depreciates more for inflation, I believe as a businessman that what he proposes is the solution to our problems and if that is not the case he proposes to govern only a short period of 3 years without right of relection, is the only Venezuelan politician who offers to shorten his period, most only want power forever. Latin America cradle of dictators?


Despite all this, as I said it is better to go out to vote than to stay at home. I am going to vote now thanks for reading, I invite you to come to discord and let us talk if you have any questions. you are all wellcome at #steemschools.

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Primera vez que no voy a participar en un evento electoral, aunque me pongo a pensar, se le debe llamar elecciones a esto que en mi opinión es una falsa? convocado por un organismo ilegal que violo la decisión de todo un país, ni hablar de los "candidatos" o se debería decir candidato, uno solo busca tener mas seguidores para su iglesia, y el otro mas chavista que Chavez. No puedo apoyar un evento convocado ilegalmente en cuanto a fechas y condiciones de igualdad, y demás esta decir que el ente rector que llamamos CNE tiene dudosa reputación.

Se respeta tu opinion, pero si analizas bien. el principal interesado en que te quedes en casa es el gobierno, si sales a votar y te roban las elecciones es el mismo resultado pero tu hicistes lo que tenias que hacer, si no sales ellos igual van a decir que todos salieron y que todos votaron y el que no voto que no puede quejarse. yo si voy a salir a votar, aunque mañana vaya a morir, igual hoy plantaria un arbol. ahora si los candidatos no te gustan, esta bien pero el error fundamental del venezolano es votar por quien le cae bien, quien tiene carisma por la "personalidad" y no por el mas calificado. falcon se paso al bando opositor apenas vio los exesos del gobierno, y el propone la dolarizacion, no se cae a coba y va al grano. hay q votar por su proyecto no por el. luego el se va y listo. de paso el propone 3 años nada mas sin reeleccion.

I have read this several times and I just cant figure out how they are planning to help the people who actually need the help.

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