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RE: Venezuela Observatory : Which is going to be; will it be Food, Toilet Paper or Gas (electricity)

Resources means expenses still..I've never met any Filipino who wants to have that as a business, but my exposure is limited. If my sis can make washing soap, then anyone can. But will they?


I came acsross people on internet who make soap as a hobby, if there are resources the knowledge and the customers then there is a market. people need hygene, so the market is there, soap is fat with lye (and lye is made from wood ashes) so this could be enough business for one man in a neighborhood to trade soap and feed his family If we can help people set up small businesses with simple products that fill a need (like hygene) then they are one step closer to the next level in the Maslow philosophy

And in case of soap, as i said you need wood ashes that can be collected, and fat, can also be collected from cooking residue. this is why soap seemed to be a good product to start with

Will we be doing this in Venezuela? Afterwards here. As ive said it's not the top industry and something that people would wanna do☺

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