In Venezuela, they were teachers and doctors. To buy food, they became prostitutes.

in #venezuela7 years ago

ARAUCA, Colombia. At a squat, concrete brothel on the muddy banks of the Arauca River, Gabriel Sánchez rattled off the previous jobs of the women who now sell their bodies at his establishment for $25 an hour.

“We’ve got lots of teachers, some doctors, many professional women and one petroleum engineer,” he yelled over the din of vallenato music. “All of them showed up with their degrees in hand.”

And all of them came from Venezuela.

As Venezuela’s economy continues to collapse amid food shortages, hyperinflation and U.S. sanctions, waves of economic refugees have fled the country. Those with the means have gone to places like Miami, Santiago and Panama.

Desperate times call for desperate measures and when you have kids to feed and no way to feed them even a highly educated woman will spread her legs for the benefit of her kids.

These women are making some serious money compared to back home. $50 to $100 on a good night, that's like a month's wages back in Venezuela. It's still sad to see these people suffering because they believed in a failing socialistic government. Hopefully the people will wake up and realize they'd be better of with less socialism and a smaller government but so far things aren't looking good for them.

Unemployment doesn't look to bad until you realize even people that are working can't feed themselves and the chart below only shows up to 2015. Imagine how worse it is now with inflation 10, 20, maybe even 50 times higher.



its a horrible situation but don't go all delusional and blame socialism when more people are in the private sector than many European countries

its a capitalist country, plane and simple.

They can't seem to connect the dots and realise voting left leads to mismanagement of the economy, and ultimately mass starvation.

I've read that human traffickers are now dealing in Venezuelan children.

The private businesses are forced to pay 90% tax @anarchyhasnogods.😂

You're as dumb as the young clown in the YouTube video.

socialism is where the workers own the means of production. Taxes have nothing to do with socialism.

"The Corporate Tax Rate in Venezuela stands at 34 percent. Corporate Tax Rate in Venezuela averaged 34.00 percent from 1999 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 34.00 percent in 2000 and a record low of 34.00 percent in 2000."

This is less than the United States

You are literally flat out lying, but that's what is expected of capitalists. You couldn't prop up your system if people knew the truth

And the business owners are forced to sell their products at set prices, where they lose money @anarchyhasnogods?

When are you going to start facing reality?

Every time socialism fails, morons like you deny that it's socialism. 😂

"And the business owners are forced to sell their products at set prices, where they lose money @anarchyhasnogods?"

so you're telling me property is more important than people's lives? As far as I know it was more subsidised than forced, and those who could get more profit elsewhere left.

Its a neo-liberal capitalist strategy. You can't make profit off of exploiting the workers if they are all dead. Capitalism is based off private ownership of capital, not how involved the government is in markets.

"When are you going to start facing reality?"
nice argument 10/10

"Every time socialism fails, morons like you deny that it's socialism. "

look at north korea shining example of capitalism. You can't deny it or your a moron.

They don't eat pets in capitalist countries @anarchyhasnogods! But in socialist countries mass starvation is a regular occurrence!

Then idiots like you start saying, but that's not real socialism and then the same tragedy keeps re-occurring!

"They don't eat pets in capitalist countries"

20 million die of poverty a year under capitalism actually, so that's a total lie.

its not socialism until the workers control the means of production. More people work in private industry than the US. That means its literally more capitalist than the united states.

nobody in Venezuela has claimed that they were socialist. That has literally only been western media

the ussr ate better than the usa. That only changed due to a natural famine. According to historic examples, more people would have died under any other system for a famine of that size.

and as you can see, that massive drop is when it turned capitalist.

that's truly horrible. And yes it seems that the overarching question of the latter half of the 20th century has been asked again and the answer is still a resounding "NO". I would like to think that these voting tendencies are coming from a place of wanting to care about others, but as we have seen throughout history, the best way to care for another is give them the skills to care for themselves. Forcing government involvement drags everyone down into the pits of poverty, but at least they promised on their goal of equality ;P

Here in Norway, it's consensus the labor party, which is on the left, is a major reason for your great wealth. Up until recently, they've been in government, and countries around the world look to Norway and Scandinavia to learn from our success.

Yes but this people read newspapers and watch tv, and guess what? Those are corporations very -VERY- interested in keeping the economic model untouched.

Check this link:

You can basically make a case for poverty in msm any time you want with any country on the earth. It's just the particular way they portray it, and how much they repeat it. it's propaganda, welcome to planet earth.

The Guardian isn't a reliable source @homerus. It's full of communist losers who ignore facts.

I live in Australia and unlike Venezuela, there are no mile long queues at empty supermarkets, no people catching and killing their neighbours cat for dinner, and no babies dying from malnutrition in our public hospitals!

It's quite sad the situation there , also in Puerto Rico ... South America in general Is at a turning point .. the United States needs to stop intervening where they shouldn't and help where they really should without expectations ,!

OMG, this isver dangerous

This is the glaring example of our times and unlike a lot of cases of socialist governments of the 70's and 80's there is no outside interference to blame it on. At least I have not heard of any contra programs or other destabilization programs against Venezuala.

Sickening. Should be yet another GLARING OBVIOUS IN YOUR FACE example that even the most unintelligent People should be able to understand the EVILS of Socialism & Communism

other way around lmao

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