So, What Is Going on In Venezuela Today?

in #venezuela5 years ago (edited)

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I Live Here and Even I Don’t Know

Here is the deal

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Do you see the guy on the left of that picture is Juan Guido, he was the president of our National Assembly and since January 20th he was declare the Interim President of our country by that same assembly cause they (and we as a country) don’t recognize the national elections made last year were Maduro was “elected” fraudulently president of the country. The guy on the right is Leopoldo Lopez for years the leader of the opposition, and until late last night he was doing house arrest for the 13 years sentence he was given (long story short the government said he was a terrorist and a bunch of other stuff).

Why this picture is so shocking?

Like I said Leopoldo was supposed to be doing a house arrest time and well he is in the picture obviously not in his house, he is actually next to Juan Guido (interim President) in front of one of our biggest and more important military base commonly call “La Carlota”.

This is huge cause it means that the military that was keeping him under the house arrest change sides and recognize the mandate of Juan Guido as interim president of Venezuela, also it means a bunch of high rank militaries in that base they are in front of also recognize Juan.

You’ll see Juan Guaido has the backing of most of the country and at least 100 other countries, the one thing that was in the way and keep the current government of Maduro in power was the fact that the military still supported him, but now, today the military is finally coming to its senses and is backing the people, that they are supposed to protect and serve.

What else do I know so far?

You may think “well she lives there, she knows what is happening” and let me tell you, you are wrong! If you turn on the television in my country and put any local or national channel you would see the regular schedule programming of soap operas, daytime shows and whatever they want to broadcast instead of the actual news.

We heavily rely on getting the news from social media and well as you may know, not everything you see in social media can be trusted, so all I know is I KNOW NOTHING!

I don’t live in one of the major cities or in the capital and in here there is a relatively passive attitude towards protest so nothing major is happening, and there is not other way for me to get news about what is happening in other sides of the country other than to ask friends and family I have in those sides or to see if I have internet connection to keep an eye on social media.

There is a chance you people on the outside of Venezuela have more knowledge about what is going on in here since you can actually watch news channels like CNN (the government cut their feed a long time ago).

What i know is that Juan call to the streets until the Dictator Maduro is out of power, he call for protest until the government falls, not with arms or weapons of any kind, just our voices and presence in the street.

This is not a Cup!!!

I know I being reading that the military are giving a cup, and not they are not! Maduro is a de facto government and our true president is Juan Guido (who is a civilian) is impossible for an interim president who is a civilian to give a cup, the military that is backing Juan Guaido is not giving a cup is just following what they should and that is the orders of their commander in chief Juan Guido.

I’m Safe!

So please don’t worry about me, like I said I don’t live in any major city or the capital, where the stuff is happening, but I do have family and friends living there so, I'm currently very worry about them and making sure I stay in touch with them as much as I can!

The most worrying for me right now living here is that we may lose power or that the internet connection is cut, I just spend all morning trying to gain back the internet connection, baby daddy is currently at work so I hope he comes back safe and sound but other than that I’m not too worry about us here I’m more worry about my family and friends in those cities where the protest are going on.

Will Keep Updating as Soon As I Know Something More

Please keep Venezuela in your thoughts I will try to collect more info verifiable and keep updating as soon as I can.

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The blue ribbon means Liberty, and is being used by the movement led by Juan Guaido as a symbol and identifier of the Military backing him and by all those of us in Venezuela who want freedom

As always, thank you very much for reading me and I hope to read your comments!
I suck at replying back at the comments people leave in my posts, I know im a terrible person like that, but please know that I read every single one of the comments and I appreciated them so much!!

Picture Credit: All images are of my property unless said otherwise and the emojis are made with!

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Thank you very much for this update. It seems the gouvernment has blocked CNN from transmitting. The news we get are very contradictory and its difficult to figure what is happening.
We wish for everybody to go through this safe and hopefully the military comes around as one and lets the people of Venezuela get its freedom!

=) thank you so much for reading me!

Thank you for the update. Here is what I have seen: earlier today a military armored truck rammed directly into pro-Guaidó protesters in Caracas. Some say the Guaidó-backed military ran over its own protesters. You can see a Molotov cocktail at the truck prior the act. So, who knows the truth? Various other videos show protesters and military facing off. The United States leadership claims Cuba and Russia are helping Maduro. US Southern Command indicates it is 'monitoring' the actions in Venezuela. The US Vice President Pence said, "Estamos con ustedes! We are with you!"

Anti-government demonstrators clashed with troops loyal to Maduro at the air base in Caracas hours after Guaidó's attempt to lead a military uprising. The ruling socialist party chief, Diosdado Cabello, said most of Caracas was calm and called on government supporters to amass at the presidential palace to defend Maduro from what he said was a U.S.-backed coup attempt. The events appear not to have triggered a broader military revolt.

The U.N. says Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is urging all sides in Venezuela to exercise "maximum restraint," avoid any violence and take immediate steps to restore calm.

So, who knows the truth?

exactly!! i mean, i would totally defend the military that is backing Guaido, but to tell you the true, i dont know the opposition has done some shitty things in the past, on the other hand it has happen so many times already i wonder why those guys fighting the armored truck didnt get out of the way, they know that the ones driving those are used to run over the protesters they should have run out of there. i really hope people protesting in there are more careful than that next time.

The events appear not to have triggered a broader military revolt.

yes that is why Guaido is calling all to the streets until more military revolt, is sad to think this needs to happen for the goverment to fall, and it will probably cause more dead than not but i dont really see a peaceful way out for Maduro.

Mr. @wordymouth omg thank you so much! i wasnt asking for any money! i will be honest and not say not to any money right now cause well the situation is hard, i thank you from the bottom of my heart! i also thank you for keeping an eye in what is happening in my country! thank you!!!

You're welcome. I will keep coming back here with updates as I get them.

i will go to buy some food cause well better be prepared than sorry thank you so much again for the gift!

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