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RE: Socialism works so well it brought back polio!

in #venezuela6 years ago (edited)

First I want to thank you. To reply to your comment I spent a big amount of time reading about polio. Of course I am not a doctor or something but I now have a better understanding about the disiease.

"Are you going to quote Wikipedia as a "credible reference"?"

I think quoting wikipedia for simple stuff (like what are the causes of a disease) is more than enough but fair enough. Here's something more concrete:

In this study acute flaccid paralysis in most subjects was the result of GBS which is most often caused by Campylobacter jejuni.... Here's an interesting tidbit from the paper " Stool examination was adequate in all cases and was sufficient to exclude poliomyelitis. In 138 (99%) stool samples no poliovirus was isolated "...

Now, before I continue with the other things, because my time is limited, can we at least agree that acute flaccid paralysis is a symptom that among other things might caused by polio?

If we can't agree on this basic thing I don't think further discussing this has any point actually and its gonna be a waste of time for the both of us :)


Actually, you only went skin deep into the subject.

The problem that you won't even spot because you're not critical of the study and it's methods, despite that I implored you to look at those things specifically, is that polio hasn't been isolated, and the WHO and CDC are complacent in the SV40 debacle, and MANY more such things that exemplify either villainous objectives or inexcusable lack of ANY standards. Yeah that's a mouthful but try to go down the rabbit hole of polio isolation, which was purported to have occurred about 20 years before the electron scanning microscope, and with today's technology it is still a game of darts in the dark to attempt to differentiate viruses or to claim that what is "isolated" are antigens/viruses as the scale of these things is still out of our reach, let alone the method with which they function or the mechanism for immunity, both of which are still completely outside the posibility of our knowledge to distinguish or differentiate.

I also brought up SV40 and with doing that I discredited ANY information that CDC, WHO or any other Agency could ever produce as credible or outside the scope of Propaganda, and ONLY propaganda.

I want you to now google the numerous microbiologists that have been "suicided" since 2000, and the numerous who suffered that fate before as well. Then I want you to take that information together with this:

Don't do anything but sit and chew on that information for a couple days, and when you truly are interested in approaching this subject without your clear bias which is that Vaccinations are AT ALL beneficial, then go ahead and look for everything and anything that supports the opposite of your bias, because there has not been ONE virologist that have given up their career to expose the fraud of vaccinations that have switched sides back to even mildly entertaining that vaccinations can have benefits, but there have been a plethora of virologist that have rallied against vaccinations, despite their losing pretty much everything in doing so.

If you really want to go and research the SV40 debacle, and consequently Polio, you'd go to Amazon and pick up the book Dr. Mary's Monkey, and know that not one thing in that book has been refuted.

For some things to scan over meanwhile as you build up the formidable perspective to not take ANYTHING about viruses and immunity on conjecture or without detailed explanations as to everything that goes into these studies, especially when presented with such vacuous, unsourced and unreferenced claims of isolations that are devoid of any substance and will remain completely unsubstantiated for the foreseeable future:

You coming back with one study that literally is the epitome of conjecture and disregard for details and without any description of the numerous processes that had to be involved is akin to someone trying to cherry pick information to support their bias. It would behoove you, and anyone else that thinks the CDC, or any of their Scientist for hire and the Labs, as remotely credible, to consider at least the other side, instead of applying double standards of "credible" to anything that scrutinizes the propaganda of "Vaccines work with a Lock and Key", or "We Isolated this virus (minus any details as to the procedure and the data that brought about that conclusive nonsense)" while they rely on the belief that the propaganda Desiminaton of Jimmy Whales is credible or the inexcusible track record of poisoning people that both the WHO and the CDC have been caught in, again and again, and again and again and again can ever be credible and to imply that while trying to position information contrary to the established narrative that these abusers have purpouted as requiring you to tell me that "it better be credible".

This subject is so multifaceted that if you are interested you will find entire libraries devoted to discredit vaccines and virus theory which are chock full of references and detailed in not only procedure but the limitations thereof, while on the other side there are but a handful of pamphlets and incredulously embarrassing things that are used to educate anyone interested in microbiology and viruses in the indoctrination of College and University, such as Shelly's Microbiology which has absolutely ZERO citations in the 600+ textbook and if you were to open it you'd be appaled should you have any semblence of critical thought to the information presented!

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