Venezuela is still a beautiful country...

in #venezuela7 years ago

Remember that Venezuela is a beautiful country
That Venezuela still exists...
Now is under the rubble
Because that Venezuela was never lost, I can say that we destroyed it.

Maybe not ourselves, but someone from our previous generation.

How it happened?

Thats easy, remember everything we spend, throw and waste, remember everything that we dont repair, remember everything that we let lose, remember something simple as all that rice that we throw away, remember when the fireworks and pyrotechnics began to sound from mid-November, remember that a pair of shoes lasted a year, not bad or damaged, but only to release others.
Just remember.


The younger generation did not live like that or lived it very little, we lived as keep a pair of shoes for at least 3 years and if we bought another we give it away to someone else because it were in a good state, I remember as a younger generation of adults changing clothes with cousins or friends, used clothes, I remember having to choose between taking photocopies or eating (in my college years), I remember that my whole generation knew how to do more than one thing (like working)

I remember that Venezuela is getting worse thanks to ourselves, especially to our previous generation.

The good part of all this is that my generation learned to take care of all things, learned to value, learned to work and that at some point will make that my generation is going to be the new entrepreneurs of Venezuela, financial pillar and the new hope of development and the best thing is that the new generations will remember us in the best way and with good details, different from us that instead of remember we want to forget.

Besides that, we must never forget that our country has always been blessed by all the resources it offers us, our generation is one of those that we always say that we work in whatever, I have seen how we work with cocoa coffee and many other things like bananas and corn.
These are unroasted coffee berries in the Venezuelan Andes

This is a very nice coffee, advertising that I took from the internet but it is like the coffee should be here
it is very despised also we only consume it very little is exported, I can dare to say that we have the same level of Colombian coffee

Our beloved cocoa, where chocolate is made, very coveted by the world but very despised by us

This is part of many things that I want to rescue, maybe if we stay away a little from the oil, our agriculture can grow

Saying something with a little fun we can go to a restaurant without shoes and likewise eat, many people live without cars and can move from one side to the other, walking is healthy, I mean with this that the consumption of oil can decrease, but agriculture or food in general, because it is very necessary to eat.

Well I wanted to say this from my beautiful country, that although we are not in the best moment, we can do for those future generations the best we can with what we still have.

This is just my opinion, I do not know if you think the same.
Thanks for reading me.

Rodolfo Bracho

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