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RE: [ Mission: Agua-Possible ] thanks the Steemlove community for helping us get back above 20% complete!

in #venezuela5 years ago

Right, like if the prices suddenly spiked like they did at the end of 2017 they could probably build the well right now!


You got it, @phoenixwren!
During the 2017 holidays, STEEM went from 0.95 USD to over $8, a rise of 742%!
Imagine if that happened again this year?
The value of our current holdings would become 2230 USD by New Years! We could afford the best pump available, professional installation, security improvements, solar power and upgraded wiring, and a feast for the whole neighborhood. Wouldn't the photos of all that be awesome to view here on Steem?
I'm not holding my breath for that exact scenario, but something like it is definitely a possibility!
This was supposed to be over with in weeks, or a few months at most. If we finally get that crypto price recovery, we'll reach success. In some ways of thinking about it, we're already there... just waiting for what seems almost inevitable. :)

That's the spirit! I'm with you in that wish!

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