Interviewing Venezuelans about the Cryptocurrency and The Petro cryptocurrency

in #venezuela7 years ago (edited)

Hi guys! I hope you are well! I bring you this post where I and my dad interviewed Venezuelans on the street to show you how much knowledge they have about cryptocurrencies and about the announcement made by President Nicolas Maduro about implementing a new cryptocurrency in Venezuela, called The Petro or The Petro Coin.

let me introduce you my dad, he has already appeared in previous posts helping me distribute clothes and food throughout the city. He is a retired militar and also a lawyer, since he has better experience with public domain, he will be our host in the interview.

Good afternoon, we are going to interview Venezuelans from our city of San Cristóbal. we are gonna ask them questions to see if they know about the electronic currency; the bitcoin, the Steem or the Petro currency, if you know about the news that our president gave. To know if people are aware of what is this electronic purchase system.

We are going to interview the first citizen

Good evening friend, how is your name?

Francisco Castillo

We would like you to give us 5 minutes of your time to ask you some questions.

yes, it is okay.

Have you heard about the cryptocurrencys in the world?

Well, the little knowledge I have is about what bitcoin is, I know it's a currency that helps stop inflation in a country but I also know that for it to be successful it can not be controlled by governments, I know that this type of currency must have free transit, so that people can acquire this type of currency without any problem. That's what I know.

I have heard something about the cryptocurrency but I do not know if it is related to what the government recently talked about creating a coin similar to bitcoin

According to the opinion that you have told me, it means that the currency should not be centralized, but decentralized, because if it is centralized, the Venezuelan government it will control the price of the petromoneda, the one that they want to create in Venezuela.

Have you heard the president speak about that in Venezuela they want to implement a new crypto currency called Petro Moneda or The Petro?

What do you think about this, will it be good to implement it in our country?

I have heard the government talk about wanting to implement this monetary system, but I have really paid very little attention to it, because as we know, many things of what the government promises, currently it does not comply, it is always for the benefits of them, so I have not deepened a lot on that subject of currency.

Since President Nicolas Maduro gave the news that he was going to create this new cryptocurrency, the Petro currency in our country, is there accessibility to it? Or is it just being sold to foreign countries?

No, no, nothing. I believe that there is no knowledge about that, it is something very superficial, I believe that the Venezuelan people, generalizing, have very little knowledge about what the cryptocurrency is.

Sincerely I have no knowledge about that cryptocurrency, until now I've heard that the government has mentioned something but there is no real information about that

Ok friend thank you very much for giving us 5 minutes of your time, and I hope you continue to encourage more information about what cryptocurrencies are in the world.

We continue touring the city and find another citizen.

Good afternoon, how is your name sir?

Jorge pulido

We want to ask you some questions. Do you know about what cryptocurrency is?

Yes, of the electronic currency yes.

What types of cryptocurrencys do you know on the internet?

cryptocurrencys, there are currently many, I can talk about the few that I know is bitcoin, stratis, bitcoin change, Little coin, nexus and many more.

I understand that these currencies do not have a bank in common if it is not a **
decentralized currency**, the price is not put on that currency if it does not depend on the investments made by entrepreneurs can raise and lower the value of the currency. Did you hear the news that our president wants to implement this type of currency in our country? It will be called Petro Moneda

Yes Yes

Do you think it would be good if that currency were implemented in Venezuela? And in what way do you think it could be handled?

The detail is that precisely, because it is decentralized, I do not know how the government will be able to implement it since the government model they are currently using is not decentralized, it is totally controlled, the currencies are controlled and I do not see a way for them to Control this because it is first virtual and second is in the cloud where you can easily have it and exchange it for other currencies.

unless they in that specific currency have a control over the people who buy and sell it and then well, you will have to tell them when you want to sell it and they authorize you to sell it. I dont know. I imagine something like that.

I do not see how a government with restrictions on currencies and currencies can implement this type of currency.

What percentage of the Venezuelan population would you believe you know about cryptocurrencies?

Of total knowledge, I could tell you that 10% of the Venezuelan population and that is a lot. I believe that much less. To say a high number, only 10% of the population.

Well, mate, those were the questions we wanted to ask you, we wanted to know if in Venezuela people have knowledge about what cryptocurrencies are and if it is a currency in which it is worth investing. Thank you very much for your help.

We continue touring the city of San Cristobal and we found another man who came to a bakery to buy bread like any ordinary person, we are going to do the same interview we have been doing, about what electronic coins are.

Good afternoon, friend. What's your name?

Franklin Mendoza

Do you know what cryptocurrency is? The President Nicolas Maduro wants to create a new cryptocurrency called La Petro Moneda. Do you know anything about these cryptocurrencys?

No, I have not heard anything about it.

you dont know what is bitcoin, steem, ethereum?

No, nothing. I've seen it on the internet but I have no idea what that is

Do you know that our president announced on television that he is going to create a new cryptocurrency in our country, called petro currency?

I heard it because of comments that people have made and what they write on social networks but I do not have more information.

Well friend those were the questions we wanted to ask, Thank you very much for your cooperation.

We continue in another part of San Cristobal with a sir here from the community to whom I will do the same interview we have done to several people.

Good afternoon my friend, What's your name?

Good afternoon, Humberto.

Thank you for dedicating at least 5 minutes of your precious time, I want to ask you some questions.

Have you heard about cryptocurrency? Or the electronic currency.

I've heard but I have not investigated much.

What percentage of the Venezuelan population would you think that they know about cryptocurrencies?

I believe that not even 5% of the population.

the 5% of the Venezuelan population dont know about cryptocurrencies?

Yes, speaking of the adult population. You hear about the cryptocurrency but only rumors, still do not dig deeper on the subject.

You have heard rumors about cryptocurrencies but do you know the name of any cryptocurrency?

i dont know

For example, have you heard about bitcoin?

Yes, bitcoin yes.

And steem, steem dollar?

no, i dont

There are several, many coins. Recently our president at a press conference said that he was going to create a cryptocurrency in our country and it was going to be called Petro Moneda. Do you think the petro currency will work in our country?

I had not heard about it but we have to look for an alternative because due to the sanctions of the United States we are screw.

You know that, for example, bitcoin is a decentralized currency. In the world that currency is managed depending on the investments made by big businessmen, according to the amount of money injected into this currency, its value goes up or down. But in our country the petro currency is going to be centralized, because the government is the one that is going to fix and control the price of that currency based on the oil and gold reserves of our country, but just as in our country there is control exchange and the government imposes the price of the dollar, equally will be with the petromoneda, which will be handled by the same government.

Do you think that even then, that would help improve the economy of our country?

Well, I do not know. What happens is that it is an uncertain future. Because we do not know how it is or what value it will have, according to the bolivar or according to the dollar, at what level it can be managed. Remember now we are in economics but bad, we do not know anything then this is something uncertain what we are living.

Ok mate thank you very much! Sorry we took a few minutes of your time.

We continue in another community, we have gotten together with a lady to interview her as well.

Good afternoon. What's your name ?


Do you know something about the electronic currencies that are handled in other countries of the world as in Russia, in China have you heard about that?

I have heard about it but I have no knowledge about it.

And do you know any names of those cryptocurrencies?

No, no.

Have you heard about bitcoin, steem dollar, steem?


Have you heard about the president's announcement about the creation of a new cryptocurrency in our country, which is going to be called El petro or the petro currency?

Yes, I saw it on the news, the petro.

What percentage of the Venezuelan population do you think you know about these cryptocurrencies?

Well, there are many people who have information because they become cultured, they start to investigate but I think not many people.

Of 100% of the Venezuelan population, what percentage do you think you know about these cryptocurrencies?


Okay thank you very much, thank you for your collaboration, those were the questions we wanted to ask you.

We continue touring the city and we have approached a private urbanization where this boy of approximately 20, 21 years old works as a security guard. We will ask you the same questions that we have been asking.

Good evening friend, what's your name?

Luis gomez,

Have you heard about cryptocurrency? The electronic coins that are being used in the world.


Can you tell me the name of any of these cryptocurrencies?

The most famous is the bitcoin and what the president wants to do, The petro or the petro coin.

Ahh, you have heard the president speak at the press conference where he gave the announcement. Have you heard any information about how this coin will be purchased?


Of 100% of the Venezuelan population, what percentage do you think you know about these cryptocurrencies?

Little percentage, because it is not something that everyone in Venezuela uses here.

Do you think that the implementation of this cryptocurrency in our country will help normalize the economy?

Well, the cryptocurrency, of what I know, there are many, millions of coins and not all come to be worth so much money, not all come out afloat. There are many that fall. I do not know if this would be the exception.

And in my opinion, they are implementing this system as a way to launder money from corruption, not to benefit the Venezuelan people.

Ok, well thank you very much for answering the questions, have a nice day.

Really very few people in Venezuela know about cryptocurrencies due to the lack of information and the diffusion of it. What makes me think ... How will the Venezuelan government to implement this type of currency if the population does not understand what is being implemented?

I really had a lot of fun doing this post, it was interesting to hear the opinions of the people, I hope you found them interesting too!


Very interesting post.

Has the Venezuela given any timescale for when they will introduce the Petro coin?

there is still no accurate information or reliable sources, but it is expected to be implemented in 2018. but on the other hand ... I have heard rumors that already high government officials already bought large quantities of Petro, so that when they open it to the public,they will multiply their money. (money obtained from corruption) then this petro currency also serves as money laundering

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