How is it possible that the national bank of Venezuela is down?

in #venezuela7 years ago

We comply with informing clients and users that for reasons beyond our control, all BDV services are temporarily suspended, at this time we are working to resolve the failure.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and we invite you to stay tuned for upcoming releases where we will offer information related to the reactivation of our banking platform.


The platform of the national bank is down ... and it's been like that for two days now. You can not buy with the card, you can not transfer your money online. In other words, all the money is frozen.

This bothers me a lot, since I only have an account in that bank and all my money is there, frozen.

I suppose this failure will not last long but it still makes me angry; It leaves a lot to think about !!

What if someone who does not have food to eat goes out to buy it and realizes that the only bank account he owns is not working? How do they eat?

What if someone is sick and needs to buy medicines urgently and all their money is frozen? What proceeds?

Actually the platform of this bank has always failed, but this is the last straw !!!

And so the government plans to implement a fully electronic payment system? (Cryptocurrencies) It makes me laugh.

Precio del BitCoin en USD
¡Que onda, compa! ¿Oye, conoces un blog o alguien por aquí en Steemit que escribe relatos de primer mano sobre el uso de criptomonedas en la vida cotidiana en Venezuela? Hay un sitio de noticias llamado, pero aún que estén situados en Caracas no cuentan mucho sobre lo que pasa en Venezuela. En Europa Bitcoin solo es visto como un medio de especulación, nada más. Me gustaría enseñar que criptomonedas son mucho más que solo eso, para que los pendejos en Europa empiecen a comprehender que el Bitcoin no es sólo un método para ganar dinero, pero es el inicio de una revolución financiera global.
Bitcoin because FUCK BANKS!
El Bitcoin no fue creado por un Banco de nivel mundial, pero por unos rebeldes en sótanos, y solo años después llego al mundo de los ricos. Y en este mundo nada mas es que un instrumento para hacer ganancia. Por eso creo que por la naturaleza del Bitcoin, el se va establecer en los países de Sudamerica y Africa (países de población pobre) y en la Asia del Este (países de población con alto CI) antes de llegar a los países del Norte. En los países del Norte con poblaciones ricas pero brutas aún no se han dado cuenta de lo que la Internet está a punto de hacer con los bancos internacionales.

Wow, Yeah. That is really crazy! It is so sad the economic mess going on there. Hey, I read an article that said that electronic apps are catching on in Venezuela? Is that the case?

I have long been hoping that Venezuela would jump into crypto. I know bitshares, bitcoin and all these other cryptocurrencies make this potentially very easy, but user adoption has been an issue.

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

If my friend happens to me, we get used to his rules, it does not happen after twelve o'clock at night, it depends on the point in the end.

things that the government must handle immediately

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