Peace must not be defended, but sought!

in #venezuela6 years ago

I have decided to raise my voice on the subject and for once again I want to express myself through this medium because it gives me much indignation from many who speak of defending a peace that does not exist. I don't want to turn my blog into a subject of political controversy but when people come out to tell lies to the world about us the indignation makes me react and what better than this medium that is free to express itself and also seen by people from other countries. In this way I believe that I can spread my reality within Venezuela (I say my reality because perhaps there are those who think differently and if I have peace but in the world in which I live I still do not know the first except those who have high positions and are in power).


For many Peace is antonimo of War and for that reason it could be said that who is not at war is at peace, currently Venezuela does not have a war declared thanks to God and I hope it never reaches that point and I suppose that makes many presume to say that we have peace in Venezuela and we do not want that to change, in that sense I give them the reason if peace is only limited to the concept mentioned. But then we could say that there is peace in the whole world because I do not know any country in a state of war with another, that implies that the whole world has peace and therefore there is no suffering in the world.

The previous paragraph loses meaning when we understand peace as a state of mind of trust and tranquility in an individual, in that sense due to lack of food, insecurity, degradation of purchasing power, degradation of educational quality, lack of medicines, deterioration in health care services, technological backwardness and a large list of negative things I consider that talking about the existence of peace is a lack of respect for Venezuelans who must wait until dawn to see if they can get something to eat since all of us, professionals and non-professionals, employees and unemployed have fallen into a state of begging in which peace of mind on a secular level does not exist.

For this reason I believe that instead of talking about defending a peace that does not exist we should recognize our current condition and create a route that can give us a little peace of mind in the short term and in the medium and long term a state of well-being that should enjoy every human being, more because we are a country that has the resources for it, Venezuela, due to the amount of wealth it possesses, should not need to receive humanitarian aid; on the contrary, the other countries should see a helping hand in us. However, due to the circumstances marked in our history in recent years, we have fallen into such decadence that humanitarian aid is not only necessary but urgent!


Thank you for speaking out @jesusjacr.

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