The Steem blockchain is a global powerhouse helping Venezuela during these difficult times...Awareness, Appeal and Help

in #venezuela7 years ago

The Steem blockchain is a global powerhouse helping Venezuelan families during these difficult times, sit with me while I tell you the story. Blockchain technology shows tremendous potential, its name is infectious and everything associated with it often skyrocket. The Steem blockchain epitomize what is possible when this concept becomes a reality. Anyone in the world can tell their story, in this case, a Venezuelan who has access to the internet can share their story and be rewarded base on its merits. Few, if any cryptocurrency project offers this opportunity.

Last Wednesday I was speaking with another family member who was telling me how desperate things have become in Venezuela. Basic items are now a luxury and lawlessness is at an all-time high. Venezuela the jewel of Latin America, sadly has turn into a land of sorrow and pain. Most Venezuelans are desperate to get out while others are fighting to turn things around. Living in Aruba, I had first hand experience of stories as many Venezuelans frequent the island looking for opportunities. Some of these stories are heartaches as young beautiful women do the unthinkable to provide for their families back home. Things were not always like this, in fact, Venezuela in the 1960's, 70' and 80's was the land of opportunities as many islanders travel, some settling down and having families. My mother and her sisters were among the adventurous group, in those days getting a Spanish husband were these women fairy-tale. My aunt, strike some luck, she found her Amigo, married and had five lovely children. Likewise, men traveling on the Banana boat at the time often frequent Venezuela dropping off their cargo. In those days the Banana trade was good and the Lesser Antilles as it was call then, boat frequent among these islands and Venezuela. These sailors often fell for these beautiful Spanish women, my dad was no exception. When I tell folks, my dad has 20+ children, an I have sisters in Venezuela, I often get the shock face but in the Caribbean, especially during those days it was the norm. I am not to sure when Venezuela story turn into a horror but I know around 2013, one of my sisters decided it was time for her and her daughter to get out. Luckily for her, it was probably her best decision.

I remember in 2015 things started to get tight on the financial side, as a lot of these Venezuelan I knew in Aruba were talking about how much 1 USD dollar is going for now in Venezuela. I was not in communication with any of my family in Venezuela at the time. When I did speak with family members and inquired, the common response were she said things were good. Last week the wife of one of my aunt son's sent one of my uncle a message, saying things have taken for the worse and her mother-in-law wasn't opening up about it. Well I started digging and realize thingshave been terrible for quite some time. This is where things get ugly. Sending food to Venezuela through normal route is a guaranteed way that the person never gets it. The government basically ration everything, travelling documents are taken away in some cases and most businesses have closed down. Those who are still employed can't even afford buy bread with the salary as their dollar has no value. Sending money through traditional means, is a guaranteed way that the government would take a portion or the middle men would have taken half.

This is where I started trying to find ways around the problem and see what could be done to help out. Naturally, Bitcoin was the obvious thought about sending money and ensuring that they get it but chances of my aunt and family knowing about it is quite slim. Then I remembered that there was a strong Venezuelan community on Steemit. I did some digging and to my amazement, I started finding some truly remarkable stories. The SBD spike in December meant that lots of Steemian Venezuelan were able to have an enjoyable Christmas, providing for themselves and friends. What even shock me more, is the fact the it only takes 1 SBD at its current price to ensure that a Venezuelan can put food on their table. The Venezuela community is very strong and well drilled. I found that there are those within the community helping others with the exchange. Lots of Venezuelans have now joined and the community is getting stronger.
I want to appeal with fellow Steemians, that every day, you support at least 1 Venezuelan author with your upvote, it literally takes 1 SBD to provide food on the table and make a huge difference. There are two Steemian working hard within the Venezuelan community @nnnarvaez and @idandy, I am pretty sure there are many more
What makes this sweeter, @idandy lives in the same city with my aunt and her family, he has even offered his services of exchanging SBD at the best possible rate. He and others within the Venezuelan community has been helping other Venezuelans.

The beauty of the Steem Blockchain, on a regular basis you meet amazing people like these and transacting on the Steem blockchain is practically free. If I had to use Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency, I have to take into account transaction cost and speed. This is the power of blockchain technology, it would be nice to get Venezuelans blogging and vlogging about possible solution for the current state of the country. I know one thing for sure, Steem can lead that revolution it would help put food on the table and everyone can voice their opinion without fear. Probably this is the Social Revolution that can empower the people of this Republic.

All SBD earn from this post, goes directly towards supporting my family in Venezuela, all SBD would be sent to @idandy


I am glad this post has done well and you will be able to bring them a lot of relief with these funds.

The beauty of the Steem blockchain and the amazing people that is here....Thank you so much for your continued support, you are one of the awesome people on the platform, Steemit with you here makes it even more special...Continue your great work, you are making a huge difference...I can now use the funds to impact the lives of those in need

One of my steemit friend from Venezuela stated that they are not excited about petro. What is your opinion regarding petro

If it alleviates the suffering I would give it my support, it still does not address the elephant in the room and that is the leadership of the country... But its definitely a step in the right direction, its not just Venezuela, quite a few of these governments around the world especially those post-colonial countries are destined to failure its only a matter of time, cryptocurrency is an insurance policy....On the global front what I see what these countries, they have massive debt, and corruption, their leaders are putting a mountain of the debt on the back of the young generation, most are not really prepared for... I am also concern about America national debt, a country we all depend so heavily on, it concerns me with the level of debt they are getting into, cryptocurrency is an insurance policy just in case things go South, I really hope it does not but the reality quite a few countries are heading in that direction

Naturally 100% support for this cause!

Its crazy whats going on there. I have a friend here on sxm who tries to do a lot of gigs to send everything to his family in Venezuela. Its not like sxm life is cheap already, but exactly what you say, every dime is already a decent meal over there at the moment.

Now the trading even stopped on simple fruits and veggies also with curacao disaster even seems to go to the next step

@bigdude is also always working hard and doing community projects with the sbd payouts for schools and kitchen.

Resteem on it!!!

If the Petro cryptocurrency thing fails, time up for Maduro as far as I am concern, I don't like that fact that these beautiful young women turn to prostitution, and lawlessness has taken new highs... We have some oppressive government around, time to crush them, I see another one is buying time in the Olympics pretending to be friendly, if I had my way... I give them a timeline if you nothing works I let them know I be coming after them

Good thing we arent politicians!

Yeah people are really going into desperate measures to just get by. :(((

What a story, frankly, I did not know it was that bad there. I read your story and I really think this is a good way to help the people who need it the most.
I can not imagine how it is if you can't buy bread from the money you worked for very hard you can not even buy bread.
Also I am shocked he government basically ration everything you are trying to get to your family.
My compliments to you for doing this and help people out like this. And I hope it will reach a lot of people becouse together we maybe can help a bit.
So thank you @daudimitch for writing this an care about your family and people over there.

Ya thats the beauty of is self is great

Bro good to raise the point for Venezuela people i think half of the community in steemit belong to Venezuela and Aceh.and bro thanks for awear the people from the difficulty Venezuela people face in there daily life

Thank you for this. Being here is indeed very hard right now. I just found Steemit and I want to learn from it as much as I can so it can help me and my family. It is a very strange thing to come from a household where we always had food on the table, and now, it's a luxury to have just one meal per day. LUXURY. It's ridiculous man, it's sad, and it has taken away a lot of they joy of just being alive. I hope to find some sort of help here, because heaven knows I need it.

Steemit is the way to go..
It gives me hope towards self employment

Personally, the current situation with and for Venezuela is tragic. No human should have to decide between normal and subsistence in any civil society.

Politically on the macro scale, If Venazuela could unite factions to rally against the global defense industry, that would help break some external political gridlock for Venazuela.

It might seem as though this is not important to Venazuelans immediate situation, but pushing forth the idea that the global arms industry has become too much of a cornerstone to freemarket economies could relieve Venazuela from the pressure that the US is putting on the nation.

  1. It says hey, before you accuse me, take a look at your self... (this is a reference to Eric Clapton, but the UK should not be excluded in having to take a deep look at how the economic garden grows) 2. It would rally support from the anti-war citizens in most countries.

When it comes to human rights, and good governance within free markets this is a weak point in the US national political ideology. On the regional levels, most citizens recognize the problem of having 1/2 of all industrial activity being defense related as problem in having a sustainable economy.

Political ideology I try to stay away from those but one thing is for sure, I can't continue to support a government that does not empower its people... I used to be sympathetic with some of these socialist government, Chavez was a lively character I admire likewise the movement in Cuba but on a personal note I would never consider living in those countries, they are oppressive regime, there are to much horror stories...People may criticize the USA but I would gladly support that government if they consider military intervention to crush these government....

@daudimitch, I thought it is only here in Nigeria that life is hard, cos an average citizen can not afford to feed twice a day.
Thanks for sharing this and thanks to Steemit... Hope it pays me someday

My brother one of the things I notice, most of these Post-colonial independent country leaders have continued the oppressive practice of their Colonial master's... Sadly Africa lacks leaders, we most likely would be having the same conversation 20 years from now

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