we MUST use Steemit to ACTIVELY SUBVERT and COLLAPSE the Satanic Venezuelan socialist government! They are ARRESTING BITCOIN MINERS for "STEALING" the FREE GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIZED ELECTRICITY, would be funny if it wasnt serious!

in #venezuela7 years ago (edited)

Because of the retarded socialist policy of "price fixing" venezuelas retard government will for example, freeze the price of toilet paper, and then the country just runs out of it! Or in this case they froze the price of electricity! And so the electricity prices became so cheap, that people looked for things they could do to make money with cheap electricity! the government ENCOURAGED this behavior, and when people set up bitcoin mining operations that started using alot of power, they fucking punished them by throwing them in fucking jail! With electricity at 100th the price in california, someone with a secret bitcoin mining operation in venezuela could actually end up making a lot of money (if they dont get caught) which is why they need to build them deep underground, or maybe hide the asic miners inside of machines of an existing factory, or just hide them in an apt complex! Imagine if you just got a whole apt block to accept a few ASIC miners in their flat, and getting several buildings worth of people to accept a few ASIC miners in their homes, in exchange for a small cut of the mined btc, you could end up with a stealth bitcoin mining operation that the government could NEVER find! Especially if you just disguise the machines as something else! Maybe make them cheap bluetooth speakers or something, lol you could get creative! I am sure this is something we can solve if we all put our heads together! We could even find a way to send them solar panels in exchange for bitcoin, or other valauble things, maybe send em silver coin, i dunno, use submarines to smuggle them seeds to grow food? This doest seem like it should be such a difficult problem to tackle!

(Image of venezuelan police showing off confiscated bitcoin mining rigs as if they were fucking kilos of cocaine or something! Its a FUCKING COMPUTER but maybe this is a good reason to not use ASIC machines in venezuela and to use regular servers and computers as they cant be proven to be running bitcoin mining operations! You can pretend to just be a web server company and be pretending to host websites, u could even create tons of fake sites and synthetic traffic LOL "This past November, two brothers from Caracas operating a Bitcoin mining operation were raided by the country’s secret police (Sebin). According to the brothers’ reports, officers ordered them to pay $1,000 for every mining machine they owned. The brothers, who wished to remain anonymous, stated that they had paid the police to keep mining. Nevertheless, miners in Venezuela are being caught more often because the state’s power corporation is finding mining operations consuming 20 times the electricity used in a traditional home."

Socialists need to be sterilized, its the only fair to the rest of us! and its the only just and humanitarian thing to do...would you rather live in a world where greedy elites fuck the economy up so bad they start running out of toiler paper and you have to wait in LINES to get FOOD? Does a farmer wait in a fucking line to harvest his crops? does the sun wait in line before it rises? does water wait in line before it travels down a river? Does a tiger wait in line before eating his prey?

I laugh when people call california socialist.....I understand why they worry about us and the leftists here but come on...we are the richest state in the union....and would be the 8th largest economy if we were seperate from the United States....we didnt get that way with socialism! I really hope socialism dies in the 21st century hopefully very early on! If people just make enough money theree will BE NO NEED for it! If top capitalists want to stave off any potential socialism they need to raise wages and get the economy going, start lending etc!
But the retarded "democratic socialists" are a huge problem! Venezuela and North korea deserve to be free of their tyrannical draconian leaders who starve their own people out of greed!

Venezuelans are ONLY going to continue adopting AND mining bitcoins! If they must they will tamper with electricity meters which will be easy in a country where electricity is free!
Here is an image showing the growing popularity of bitcoin in venezuela by the localbitcoins.com volume over time

Venezuela needs our hep!
Here is a video on how to stopslowdown your electricity meter WITHOUT tampering it!! Just use a big cylinder shaped magnet that fits around the round clear part encapsulating the meter!


OMFG this is so relevant! Ive seen this before but now wow its fuckin spot on!

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