📷 Vienna is building more and more EV charging stations ⚡

Habe bemerkt, dass es in Wien immer mehr Ladestationen für Elektroautos gibt 😋

I have noticed that there are more and more charging stations for EV cars in Vienna 😋


Live your Secrets and Steem Prosper 🔥

Photo credit: @vikisecrets


Great to see. I'm hoping Ireland does the same soon too. We have a few, but not enough yet.

It's an interesting development, guess there can never be enough charging stations ;)

Do you have a lot of cars like that in Vienna ?

You can see quite a few Teslas in Vienna 😋

Lovely Vienna city a nice capital in the world good organisation.

Thx, Vienna is a lovely city 😋

There are no charging stations in my country. Sad.

Oh, that's sad, maybe you could build one in your country :)

Elon mask will be so happy for this.what you will say sir.

That's true, Elon Musk would be happy 😆

awesome photography.thanks for sharing.

Glad you like it 😊

Mit Ladestationen muss es auch in Zukunft auch schnell voran gehen.

Find ich auch, es müsste noch viel viel mehr geben, damit sich Elektroautos durchsetzen können.

Wird bei uns jetzt auch ausgebaut, ich selber fahre aber kein Elektroauto.

Ist eine interessante Entwicklung, bin gespannt, wann sich Elektroautos durchsetzen werden ;)

You can charge there Tesla too right ?

Sure, would be interesting to know how much power the station has and how quick you can charge a Tesla there ;)

this is really nice

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