public transport aceh
header Aceh indonesia
some of the corners of the world must be no stranger to a city called aceh NAD ,,,, the famous city of 15 years lately famous with komplik and tsunami,,,
aceh also famous for beautiful jade and good sights ,, ,, if you want to visit aceh of course you want to get comfort in the journey,
now I give advice to you so that no one choose public transportation when already diaceh ,,,
here I will mention some public vehicle active in aceh area
- simpatistar
sympatistar just doing medan and banda aceh. if you come from the field you can ride a simpatistar vehicle to banda aceh ,,, you only pay Rp 250.000
labilabi can only get you direct area and bireun ,,
BE only you can get in north aceh area
L300 can be found in all aceh karna L300 active throughout aceh
- jumbo,
Jumbo you can get the area of langsa and lhokseumawe
everyone must know an island located in the aceh region of Sabang
Sabang City is one of the cities in Aceh, Indonesia. The city is an archipelago on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra, with Weh Island as the island's hottest
very stout again a beautiful tour there are diaceh like takengon known as the cold city and the branches are also thickened with white sand and tsunami museum that terlerak in banda aceh
Sangat gemuk lagi tur yang indah ada diaceh seperti takengon yang dikenal sebagai kota yang dingin dan cabang-cabangnya juga menebal dengan museum pasir putih dan tsunami yang berada di banda aceh. Semuanya made in aceh @jamilkhan
Masyarakat aceh sangat bangga dengan kemegahan dan keindahan aceh