Plant-Based Healing...Beyond Dietary Dogma

in #vegetarian7 years ago

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"When you recognize that in some instances plants are the most intelligent species on the planet..that for example there are aspen groves with root systems that cover 100 acres and are hundreds or thousands of years old, whose neural networks dwarf virtually any other life form on the planet...then the moral argument for vegetarianism sort of falls apart."

~Stephen Harrod Buhner


Aloha awakening friends!! I'm curious...what does plant-based healing mean to you? I'd like to take a moment to share what it means to me...and if this resonates with you...please share with others who are looking for a more simple, harmonious way of being in this world.

I'm not interested in promoting veganism or any dogmatic way of eating. That approach can be very polarizing. What I'm proposing is beyond vegetarianism, beyond dietary dogma...and inclusive to all dietary is simply the remembrance of plant-human interdependence...symbiogenesis...a co-created symbiotic intelligence where two species cooperate to increase their survival.

I've been blessed to be on this path of self-healing for about 10 years now. And one thing I have learned is that I have substantially deepened and sped up my healing process through building my relationship with plants. Not just taking from them what I need to survive, but giving to them and listening to their teachings. It is in that space where I've discovered or channeled many insights into how the human body can heal itself.

What I'm talking about specifically is the foundation of ancient herbal and plant medicine, which is gradually being lost to what has been called allopathic herbalism...treating symptoms or disease instead of the whole body-mind-spirit organism.

Let me give you an example. When you take a bottled or capsuled herb into your body without knowing the herb, it is similar to trusting someone you haven't met in person...with your wellbeing. Each herb has a unique energetic signature, much like each person does. Similar to how some people are more suited to be friends than herb that works to heal one person, might cause more illness in another.

On a deeper spiritual level, at the the heart of herbalism or plant-based healing is a path to interconnectedness and meaningfulness. It's a contemplative practice, a meditative discipline to stay with your own body and your own senses while you are working with plant medicine. It can take you ALL the way home...and it is something we NEED NOW more than ever. The plant nation has the power to reawaken our atrophied senses of smell, taste, touch, sight, and even our heart-felt perceptions and teach us about our own state of health...and to teach us how to be human again.

If you feel the calling to start harvesting, growing and consuming your own herbs and will be invited to shift from the mentality of allopathic medicine, to true holistic healing. If you are taking pre-dosed herbs and formulas, you are applying a one-sized-fits-all approach that can only take you so far. Communing with the local medicinal plants and even growing your own, invites a whole new level of symbiosis with nature...and this is where the healing begins to shift for many people. This is the ancient practice of herbalism as opposed to the allopathic approach that requires us to standardize, pasteurize, sterilize, containerize, or chemicalize your medicines. Instead, we just need to realize...that it's all already perfectly packaged for you, in Nature...and it is just outside your door that you will find your plant allies. You just have to tune into their consciousness, hold presence, feel their teachings, and reciprocate their gifts.

In this video I speak about one of the oldest living organisms alive. The Creosote bush, as a clonal colony, has been shown to be 11, 700 years old in this area. Living close to her...I am able to develop a personal relationship to her, both giving to and receiving from her. I was invited by her to practice what I call "herbal monogamy" for months at a time. Trusting her for all of my herbal needs.

And this video is a course on herbal energetics. And how to explore herbs in your area through your senses and journal about them in order to develop a deeper relationship to your plant allies.

And since food is medicine and medicine is food...the same goes for growing your own fruits and vegetables. There is a practice that is mentioned in the Anastasia book, from the Ringing Cedars Series, that teaches the gardener to place seeds in the mouth before planting in order to program the seed (in a sense) to align with your body's needs and weaknesses.


Here is a beautiful excerpt from the book...

“Every seed you plant contains within itself an enormous amount of information about the Universe. Nothing made by human hands can compare with this information either in size or accuracy. Through the help of these data the seed knows the exact time, down to the millisecond, when it is to come alive, grow — what juices it is to take from the Earth, how to make use of the rays of the celestial bodies — the Sun, Moon and stars, what it is to grow into, what fruit to bring forth.
“These fruits are designed to sustain Man’s life. More powerfully and effectively than any manufactured drugs of the present or future, these fruits are capable of counteracting and withstanding any disease of the human body.
“But to this end the seed must know about the human condition. So that during the maturation process it can satiate its fruit with the right correlation of substances to heal a specific individual of his disease, if indeed he has it or is prone to it.
“In order for the seed of a cucumber, tomato or any other plant grown in one’s plot to have such information, the following steps are necessary:
“Before planting, put into your mouth one or more little seeds, hold them in your mouth, under the tongue, for at least nine minutes.
“Then place the seed between the palms of your hands and hold it there for about thirty seconds. During this time it is important that you be standing barefoot on the spot of earth where you will later be planting it.
“Open your hands, and carefully raise the seed which you are holding to your mouth. Then blow on it lightly, warming it with your breath, and the wee little seed will know everything that is within you.
“Then you need to hold it with your hands open another thirty seconds, presenting the seed to the celestial bodies. And the seed will determine the moment of its awakening. The planets will all help it! And will give the sprouts the light they need to produce fruit especially for you.
“After that you may plant the seed in the ground. In no case should you water it right off, so as not to wash away the saliva which is now covering it, along with other information about you that the seed will take in. It can be watered three days after planting.
“The planting must be done on days appropriate to each vegetable (people already know this, from the lunar calendar). In the absence of watering, a premature planting is not as harmful as an overdue planting.
“It is not a good idea to pull up all the weeds growing in the vicinity of the sprouts. At least one of each kind should be left in place. The weeds can be cut back…”

According to Anastasia, the seed is thus able to take in information about the person who plants it, and then during the cultivation of its fruit it will pick up from the Universe and the Earth the optimum blend of energies needed for a given human. The weeds should not be disposed of completely, as they have their own appointed function. Some weeds serve to protect the plant from disease while others give supplemental information.

Anastasia maintains that the fruit cultivated from the seed in this manner, and consumed by the individual who cultivated it, is capable not only of curing him of any diseases of the flesh whatsoever but also of significantly retarding the aging process, rescuing him from harmful habits, tremendously increasing his mental abilities and giving him a sense of inner peace.

I invite you on this path beloved co-healers. Holding hands with our plant allies, all the way to the tipping point of collective awakening. We can heal...we got this!!!! Happy Human-Plant Reunion!!!

Loving you all,


thank you for these posts pachee. so very appreciated!!!!!!

Awwww I thought you might like this one medicine man ❤️

Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

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