in #vegas7 years ago


The quantifiable evidence is growing by the day, the FBI's Las Vegas "investigation" is a total farce.


The Truth Factory: Las Vegas Inconsistencies - It's Not Adding Up

Forensic acoustic proof of SECOND shooter in the Las Vegas massacre

Thanks for tuning, UPvoting and sharing!

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Thanks Sean, this was my first exposure to Mike's sound analysis. Most interesting and well done.

There is one possible explanation that would still allow for one shooter however, in my view. Rather than changing magazines during the pauses, the shooter may have been changing weapons. For instance a long burst from an AK47 followed by another from an M16 would produce different ballistic results and hence, sound patterns. This is common and may even been required, as very few rifles could be used to fire 1000's of rounds without experiencing mechanical issues from heat etc., unless designed with belt feeding and multiple barrels.

The narrative from the start, has included a variety of weapons at the shooters disposal. Having said that, I am unclear as to whether the sound patterns analyzed were on top of each other (simultaneously fired), which would indicate without a doubt, two weapons being fired, very difficult to perform accurately by a human without automated assistance.

Google AR-15 meltdown, the gun if it is a high end gun can fire thousands of rounds before a mechanical breakdown. I do not believe there was an AK-47 in the arsenal of the shooter's, I believe they were AR-15, and possibly an AR-10. I also believe the HealthRanger's acoustic sound analysis, hopefully he will do one on the JFK assassination as well. The scars part is that the FBI has these capabilities as well, and they have not deployed them, the question that needs to be asked is why not?

ahand & friends: Wow - thank you ALL so much for your support. I so very much appreciate the input, info & feedback!!!

Theyre playing games with us, with the goal of turning us against our own government. They're playing bad cop on purpose. This is part of the plan to destroy our national sovereignty. The satanists in the NWO will cause chaos and havoc from inside the government, leaving us no choice but to throw off our government. Then they give us the new government they've already got planned, just like they did with 9/11 and the patriot act. Its as Henry Kissinger said, "Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful..."

Hold together America! We must preserve our national independence and our Constitution with its Bill of Rights!

very good post my friend..

These areas of Lost Wages are getting as dangerous as the grass knoll.
1 witness committed suicide and another died peacefully in her sleep.

Well done. The Truth Ranger's video was exceptional. Resteemed.

Sad. For people of faith keep praying for our country. And that who is really behind this is also caught and brought to justice. He did not do this alone, everyone has figured that part out.

Very nice completion of post! @sgtreport

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