Vegan recipe: maroc bread self made (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in #vegansofsteemit4 years ago (edited)



Happy vegan weekend

Have a nice vegan saturday dear community.
After I searched this internally to find a vegan recipe for moroccan bread, here is my first try. Instead of the yeast I would have used baking powder and the milk powder is missing, too. I will try to get it even more fluffy next time, but for the first try it was quite good and tasty.
I changed it to something so far away that I added vegan protein powder and chia seeds.

If you like more vegan events check this user out:

@heart-to-heart #veganwednesday

@lenasveganliving and @plantstoplanks #FruitsAndVeggiesMonday

@rem-steem #fff for food Friday


They are also busy posting delicious recipes, always checking them out.

Moroccan bread

  • 500 grams of flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 teaspoons chia seeds
  • 3 tablespoons vegan protein powder
  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar
  • approx. 300 ml warm water (estimated)

Knead for about 10 minutes and leave to rest for 1 hour in an oiled bowl.
Knead again, divide into approx. 6 pieces and form into round bread shapes on an oiled surface, let rest again for 1 hour. Then place in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Bon Appetit

text and pictures made by myself. Peace








Feliz fim-de-semana vegetariano

Tenha um bom sábado vegetariano querida comunidade.
Depois de ter pesquisado isto internamente para encontrar uma receita vegana de pão marroquino, aqui está a minha primeira tentativa. Em vez do fermento, eu teria usado fermento em pó e o leite em pó também está faltando. Tentarei que fique ainda mais fofo da próxima vez, mas para a primeira tentativa foi muito bom e saboroso.
Mudei-o para algo tão distante que adicionei proteínas veganas em pó e sementes de chia.

Se você gosta de mais eventos veganos, confira este usuário:

@heart-to-heart #veganwednesday

@lenasveganliving e @plantstoplanks #FruitsAndVeggiesMonday

@rem-steem #fff para comida sexta-feira


Eles também estão ocupados postando deliciosas receitas, sempre conferindo-as.

Pão marroquino

  • 500 gramas de farinha
  • 1 colher de chá de sal
  • 3 colheres de chá de sementes de chia
  • 3 colheres de sopa de proteína vegan em pó
  • 2 colheres de chá de açúcar mascavo
  • aprox. 300 ml de água quente (estimativa)

Amassar durante cerca de 10 minutos e sair para descansar durante 1 hora numa tigela oleada.
Amassar novamente, dividir em aproximadamente 6 pedaços e formar em formas de pão redondas sobre uma superfície oleada, deixar descansar novamente por 1 hora. Depois coloque no forno a 200 graus durante cerca de 20 minutos.

Bom apetite

texto e fotos feitas por mim mesmo. Paz













Happy vegan weekend

Einen schönen veganen Samstag der community.
Nachdem ich nun das intern abgesucht habe, um ein veganes Rezept für marokkanisches Brot zu findet, hier mal mein erster Versuch. Statt der Hefe hätte ich Backpulver genommen und es fehlt auch das Milchpulver. Ich werde versuchen es noch fluffiger zu bekommen beim nächsten Mal, doch für den ersten Versuch war es ganz gut und schmeckt.
Verändert habe ich es in so fern, das ich veganes Protein Pulver und Chia Samen zugefügt hatte.

Wer noch weitere vegane Events aus Hecken mag schaut bei:

@heart-to-heart #veganwednesday

@lenasveganliving und @plantstoplanks #FruitsAndVeggiesMonday

@rem-steem #fff für den food Friday


Sind auch fleißig mit dem Posten von leckeren Rezepten, schaut bei Ihnen immer mal nach.

Moroccans bread

  • 500 gramm Mehl
  • 1 TL Salz
  • 3 TL Chia Samen
  • 3 EL veganes Protein Pulver
  • 2 TL Braunen Zucker
  • ca. 300 ml warmes Wasser (abgeschätzt)

Ca. 10 Minuten kneten und in einer geölten Schüssel 1 Stunde ruhen lassen.
Erneut kneten, in ca. 6 Stücke einteilen und auf einer geölten Fläche zu runden Brot Formen, wieder 1 Stunde ruhen lassen. Dann in den Ofen bei 200 Grad ca. 20 Minuten.

Bon Appetit

Text und Bilder von mir gemacht. Peace


#blog #life #lifestyle #portugal #foodphotography #health #healthy #pt #community #foodporn #foodie #foodlover #powerhousecreatives #vegan #weekend #austria #steemit-austria


This sounds and looks delish indeed

this looks so good, thank you for sharing this recipe for such wholesome bread.

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This looks yummy! More like a a cake.
What are those things like substances red on it called?

Posted using Partiko Android

Eat it with tomato sauce or with chocolate cream both yummy. :)

Danke für das Rezept. Das sieht lecker aus! Im Titel ist ein Vertipper, der die Fährte zum Artikel vereitelt. ;-) !invest_vote

Oh, danke. Hab ich wohl nicht aufgepasst. Korrektur erfolgt. :)))

Wow this looks so much easier than I would have thought- thanks for giving me the inspiration to give it a try :)

@anli denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient! ----> Wer ist investinthefutur ?
@anli thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !----> Who is investinthefutur ?

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