Some thoughts about activismsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #veganism7 years ago (edited)

I’ve always been captivated by quotes, they say that a picture tells a thousand words, and I would suggest that this is also very true when it comes to a great quote. A few well-thought of words, put eloquently together can be very powerful and have the potential to convey something beyond the words themselves. 

We do care 

If we could feel what we are doing to the Earth, we would stop immediately.  - Terence McKenna

I wanted to quote the well-known psychonaut, Terence McKenna, suggesting that this quote explains the basis of our destructive habits and behaviors as a human species. 

If we could feel, we would also care. In the core of authentic activism, there is something very gentle there, something that genuinely cares for whatever is spoken upon. We can say that one aspect of our destructive ways is because of our ignorance, and by trying to create awareness and activism we try to counterfeit that, but where are we coming from in that process? 

What is our attitude? 

If we try to change other peoples actions because we think we’re right and they’re wrong that is a very distancing and delusional approach. We need to understand that we’re all living different lives, have all different life experiences, resulting in different beliefs. 

There is a big difference between pushing our beliefs on people compared to sharing our opinions for those who want to listen. There is a big difference between sharing and convincing. 

Speak from our hearts 

It’s easy to let activism become a fight between two opposites, but what if we connect to the more gentler side of ourselves? Do you care? show it! do you love? show it! Do you have great passion? fire that passion and bring that into the process. Are we able to come from an approach of great care, love, and passion? 

If you love animals, speak from that love, show that passionate being inside of you that really do care for them. Show them enjoyment for vegan food, let others try it, bring the focus to what you want and watch whatever you focus on, care for, love and nurture - grow. 

«The grass is greener where you water it» - Neil Barringham 

Don't try to battle, share and invoke!

I think when we as humans do that, when we live our own truths and speak from that space without any agenda, without trying to change anyone, without letting it become an argument. We're speaking from a place that just want to express itself for the enjoyment of sharing in and of itself. 

We are then talking from our hearts and we’re showing them what our hearts care for. By doing this it may elicit the same in others. Because we do all care, it’s just a matter of feeling it. Resonate that feeling you want to convey and maybe it will resonate back, maybe it wont. 

By taking the approach of care into our activism and also showing care for whoever we talk to, our words can come from a place of understanding and love, and love is the most powerful transformative force in the universe. 

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― R. Buckminster Fuller

What would you like to change in the world? What is your passion? What's your thoughts on effective activism? 


There is a big difference between sharing and convincing.

And yet 90% of the vegan activists totally ignore this fact. I first approached veganism with a lot of innocent, almost child-like enthusiasm, for its health benefits as well as for ethical reasons. But I was totally disheartened by all the aggressive activism I was met with. And although my diet is still almost entirely plant-based and I still believe all the food industry (especially the one involving animals) should be abolished, I can in no way identify with veganism as ‘movement’.

Thanks for sharing, That's very understandable and have sensed the same thing you are speaking of.

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