
Agreed well explained I kind of see both sides of course everyone has the own opinion. I try not to harm any animals and have slaughtered animals to eat in the past. I have a view were if I reared my own animals I might consider eating them as my main reason to stop eating meat was the chemicals forced into them. However I do question this stance most of the time these days, possibly if something died a natural death maybe i'm torn but dont' think now I would kill to eat unless it was life or death 💯🐒

Derrick, I love ya man. And I love animals too. So much so that a long time ago I fulfilled a childhood dream at the age of forty something of working at a animal hospital. I learned a lot in that adventure.
Long story short. Out of all the cat deaths and injuries that we saw. Probably 90+% of them would have been avoided if the cats were indoor cats.
Mostly cars and dogs.
I am a vegan too. But I do believe that we have a responsibility to care for the ones we love as best we can. Whether they are furry, smooth or covered in bark. We are anarchists. We are responsible for ourselves and for those who need us to look after them.
I know how cats can be. I have two living in the back yard as I type this, plus one in the house, (by choice). All strays.
I would not try to contain the outdoor cats at this point. The indoor cat only ventures out occasionally. They are only here because no place else they went contained humans that would feed them and pet them. But because I want to protect them. I am doing everything I can to encourage them to stay in the yard. Pretty successfully so far too. I feed them all they need, provide shelter when the weather calls for it and I give them lots of love.
Thanks for being Jimmy's friend.

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