James Cameron Says Vegan Women Will Save The World

in #vegan5 years ago (edited)

Titanic & Avtar famed Hollywood director and a long time vegan James Cameron believes that women can save the world.

What does this imply?

Cameron has been a very vocal advocate of veganism. Did you know, the sets of his film Avtar were completely vegan? These days he is working on a documentary titled The Game Changers. This documentary dispels the pervading myth of necessity of consuming meat for our body's protein needs.

The movie covers several well known and olympic winning athletes whose performance became better once they made a switch from meat based diet to entirely vegan meals.

Watch its teaser here:

The Game Changers

Cameron says, “I put my faith in women to change the world." He adds:

"I think the great conflict of the future is going to be between the takers and the caretakers. So the takers if the male energy and the caretakers if the female energy. I’ve always respected that.”

I like this expression of contradiction through words "taker" & "caretaker".

Cameron asserts, “I’ve celebrated women in the films that I’ve made."

I too feel that vegan women can play a significant role than anyone else. The consumption of a household centers around the woman of the house. Mostly, it's the woman who cooks for her family, nurture her children and play a key role in deciding for other household spendings.

A women can influence her partner, her children and even her parents and make them aware of the importance of adopting veganism. Therefore it makes sense if women of our society take the initiative to embrace veganism. Everyone else will obviously follow.


el veganismo y la energia femenina son definitivamente el futuro de este planeta.

मैं आपकी बात से पूर्णतः सहमत हूँ

James Cameron always has interesting projects. It’s nice to see him explore veganism. He has such power in Hollywood that the film will surely get lots of positive attention.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, I'm optimistic too!

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