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RE: Powerful Image Showing The Reality Of Many Vegan/Carnivore/Omnivore 'Discussions'.

in #vegan6 years ago

Yep that's hard hitting! I am enjoying my 95% vegan lifestyle. It's hard at work with food being supplied, yes I could take my own but there are complications with this. 💯🐒


hmm.. well, hate to break it to you but there is no such thing as 95% vegan.. It's a bit like saying I'm 95% not a murderer at the moment... The police tend to frown on that ;)

True but it better than nothing and a big step. And when there is not vegan option at work and no space on my push bike to carry a lunch box I kinda struggle really 💯🐒

Absolutely, yes - best to do as much as is possible.

That's what I do 💯🐒

What an awful response.

Should i line up the deaths that the current farming practices cause on your door step?
Many more lives are destroyed in getting you that head of lettuce than to get you a head of cattle.

And then comparing killing for food to killing another sentient is really troubling to me.

And what would you say to me?
@BuilderOfCastles you should just die. Since you can't survive on a vegetarian diet, than you should just end your life!

If you analyzed my eating practices, you would find that you would love to eat 90% of what i do. So, considering me a akin to a murderer for that last 10%... is not nice.

Many more lives are destroyed in getting you that head of lettuce than to get you a head of cattle.

No, there aren't. I grow my own lettuce and nothing dies in that process specifically.

you should just die. Since you can't survive on a vegetarian diet, than you should just end your life!

I am not aware of any proven cases of people who require meat to survive. I welcome being shown otherwise. In general terms, what you put out is what you get back - if you put out 'it's ok for me to kill sentient beings' - then you will get that back and possibly sooner than you think. I can guarantee you that I met with random violence due to my points of attraction within this attractive (karma) based universe while a meat eater and I have never been involved with any violence whatsoever since then. There is no judgement in this, we get to experience the results of our choices. I recall being a deer in a past life too, I have no desire to cause myself such harm!

considering me a akin to a murderer for that last 10%... is not nice.

I don't consider myself to be above animals in any way and as I said, I remember living the life of one at least once (probably many times). So for me, if anyone is a murderer for killing humans, then we also are for killing animals. I have done it too.

Well, now you know one verified case that requires meat to survive.
I will not discuss the specifics as the conversations go as such (hundreds of times):
Me: what can i eat that provides protein?
Veg: this and this and this...
Me: i am allergic to all those things.
Veg: than this, and this...
Me: i am allergic to all those things.
Veg: well, i am sure there is something... you just have to become a vegetarian.

Or in other words, every one of them told me to die for their view of animal lives matter.

And when i raise a chicken nothing dies in the process specifically...
except the chicken and the lettuce.

I can understand being against modern farming and ranching industrial practices. They are abhorrent.

However, we, on this planet are in a symbiotic relationship with all life. All the life exists to be consumed by other life. There isn't one piece left out.

If it was left out, it wouldn't exist.

Reincarnation exists. Life exists to create new life.

Sure we can rise above the need to ingest food and live off of prana directly, but we have a long way to go before even a decent percentage could do that. Further, when a planet does that, all those supporting species stop existing.

I have never heard of anyone else describing such allergies to vegetables and fruits, but ok. I had allergies growing up to various things but over time I learned to consciously de-condition them and I don't have them now. That's what I would do in such a situation. There are therapists who do this or it can be done internally.

However, we, on this planet are in a symbiotic relationship with all life. All the life exists to be consumed by other life. There isn't one piece left out.

It is common for people to mistake life for death - amazingly. If life consumes life against it's will, then that life dies and some of it changes form. The vibration of the will decreases when it is overpowered - that is the cause of death in general on Earth.

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