Are Mormons Vegan?

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When exploring dietary practices among different religious groups, one might wonder whether Mormons, also known as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, follow a vegan diet. Understanding the dietary guidelines within Mormonism can help clarify this query. It’s important to note that the Church does not mandate a vegan diet for its members. However, the dietary code known as the Word of Wisdom provides guidance on what is considered good for the body.

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Understanding the Word of Wisdom

The Word of Wisdom is a section of the Doctrine and Covenants, one of the books of scripture in Mormonism, which includes health-related guidance. Revealed to Joseph Smith in 1833, this doctrine advises against the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and “hot drinks” — later interpreted as coffee and tea. It also promotes the use of herbs, grains, fruits, and a moderate consumption of meat.

While the Word of Wisdom emphasizes the consumption of grains as the “staff of life” and fruits and vegetables in their season, it does not explicitly advocate for a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Instead, it suggests that meat “should be used sparingly” and ideally only in times of winter, cold, or famine.

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Mormon Dietary Practices Today

In practice, the dietary habits of Mormons can vary widely. Some members of the Church choose to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet as a personal health decision or due to ethical concerns about animal welfare. However, this is not common to all Mormons and is not a requirement of the faith.

Most Mormons tend to follow the guidelines of the Word of Wisdom by avoiding prohibited substances and trying to eat a balanced diet. The emphasis is more on moderation and making wise choices rather than adhering to strict dietary restrictions like veganism.

Health Benefits and Personal Choices

Some Mormons might opt for a vegan diet due to the health benefits associated with reducing meat consumption and increasing plant-based foods. Studies have shown that plant-based diets can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. For Mormons who choose this path, it aligns with the Word of Wisdom’s emphasis on taking care of the body, which is considered a sacred gift.

Additionally, individual interpretation and personal revelation play significant roles in how members of the Church decide to live the principles of the Word of Wisdom. This means that while the Church provides general guidelines, the specifics of how to implement them can vary greatly among individuals.

Community and Cultural Influences

The social and cultural context can also influence the dietary choices of Mormons. In regions where plant-based diets are more common, Mormon members might be more inclined to adopt such practices. Conversely, in areas where meat consumption is a significant part of the culture, adherence to a vegan diet among Mormons may be less prevalent.

Furthermore, Mormon family gatherings and social events often feature a variety of foods, including meat-based dishes, reflecting the general dietary preferences of the community. This can sometimes make it challenging for those who choose a strictly plant-based diet to find options that adhere to their dietary restrictions.

Educational and Institutional Support

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints runs several educational institutions, including Brigham Young University, where dietary guidelines are in place to accommodate a diverse student body. These institutions often offer vegetarian and vegan options in their dining facilities, acknowledging the dietary choices of their students and staff.

This support within educational settings reflects a broader understanding and acceptance of different dietary practices, including veganism, even if it is not the norm within the wider Mormon community.


In conclusion, while the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encourages a diet that is good for the health of its members, it does not specifically endorse a vegan diet. The decision to adopt a vegan lifestyle is left to individual members, influenced by personal convictions, health considerations, and cultural contexts. As such, not all Mormons are vegan, and the prevalence of veganism in the Mormon community varies. The Church’s primary dietary focus remains on moderation and the wise use of the earth’s resources, in accordance with the teachings of the Word of Wisdom.

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