Are Lucky Charms Vegan?

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When it comes to determining whether Lucky Charms are vegan, it’s important to look closely at the ingredients list. Lucky Charms, a popular breakfast cereal produced by General Mills, is known for its colorful marshmallow shapes and sweet taste. However, for those following a vegan diet, the suitability of Lucky Charms can be a bit complex due to certain ingredients they contain.

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Understanding Veganism

Veganism is a lifestyle choice that excludes all animal products and by-products. This means no meat, dairy, eggs, and often, products tested on animals or derived from animal labor. Vegans also avoid gelatin and certain colorings derived from animals, which can appear in various food products.

Ingredients in Lucky Charms

The primary ingredients in Lucky Charms include whole grain oats and sugar. However, the marshmallows, or ‘marbits’ as they are sometimes called, contain gelatin. Gelatin is a protein obtained by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments, and/or bones with water. It is usually derived from cows or pigs, making it a non-vegan ingredient.

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Aside from gelatin, the cereal contains a variety of other ingredients such as corn syrup, dextrose, and artificial food coloring. Some of these ingredients can also be controversial in the vegan community, particularly the artificial colors which are sometimes tested on animals.

Controversial Ingredients

Another point of concern for vegans might be the sugar used in Lucky Charms. In the United States, cane sugar is often processed with bone char to achieve a whiter color. Bone char is made from animal bones, and although it is not present in the final product, its use in the processing phase might be enough for some vegans to avoid products containing refined cane sugar.

Additionally, Lucky Charms are fortified with vitamins and minerals, some of which can be sourced from animals. For instance, vitamin D3, commonly used in cereals, is usually derived from lanolin, which is extracted from sheep’s wool.

Vegan Alternatives

For those who enjoy the taste and convenience of breakfast cereals but wish to adhere to a strict vegan diet, there are alternatives to Lucky Charms that are free from animal-derived ingredients. Many brands offer vegan-friendly cereals that are similar in taste and texture but use plant-based colorings and flavors, and avoid using gelatin in their marshmallows.

These vegan cereals often use natural sweeteners like coconut sugar or agave syrup, and they might be colored with fruit and vegetable juices. Checking the labels for certifications like “Vegan” or “Certified Vegan” can also help in identifying suitable products.

Label Reading and Certifications

Reading labels carefully is crucial for maintaining a vegan diet. Ingredients like gelatin, certain colorings, and vitamin D3 are key indicators that a product might not be suitable for vegans. Certifications from reputable vegan organizations can also guide consumers in making choices that align with their dietary preferences.

It’s also beneficial to reach out to manufacturers directly if you are unsure about certain ingredients or their sources. Many companies are becoming more transparent about their sourcing and production practices due to increased consumer interest in ethical and dietary considerations.


In conclusion, Lucky Charms are not considered vegan due to the presence of gelatin in the marshmallows and potentially other animal-derived ingredients. For vegans and those considering veganism, it’s important to explore alternative cereals that are certified vegan or clearly labeled as free from animal products. By staying informed and vigilant about ingredients, vegans can enjoy delicious and ethical breakfast options that align with their values.

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