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RE: Everyone’s a Vegan at heart. Ridding Yourself of Moral Hypocrisy is Assured to Lighten Your Heart.

in #vegan7 years ago (edited)

As a former meat & dairy addict turned vegan after a relentless feud with my own conscience, I totally understand where you're coming from. Social indoctrination runs deep on this issue which explains so much of the cognitive dissonance that we see from those who try their damnedest to dismiss veganism.

One of my favorite books on this subject which I recommend to vegans and non-vegans alike is: 'Meat Logic: Why Do We Eat Animals?' by Charles Horn, which brilliantly addresses all the common objections that we hear time and time again, including the banal 'circle of life' one that you pointed out. Melanie Joy has a lot of excellent content on YouTube as well.

"a society is judged, not by the strength of its military or economy, but by how it treats the most vulnerable beings in its care." I couldn't agree more. This is why I take veganism and peaceful parenting very seriously.

Keep up the good work!

Best regards,

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