How I became a vegan- by taty

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

Most people personal, social and religious beliefs can alter the choice of their food when eating. Why does this happen?

If nutrition is only a matter of survival, humans must eat only to survive. In fact, as we all know, behind what we eat is our history, psychology and our values. Food choices are influenced by different factors such as education, society, culture, traditions, religion or aesthetics.

Around the world, the number of people who choose to eat a diet without including ingredients of animal origin is constantly increasing.

From an early age, I have always paid a lot of attention to my diet, avoiding excesses and harmful products, such as coffee, tea, alcohol and tobacco. My attention to food increased when I began to study the connection between psychology, nutrition and sports since as a child I suffered from spinal deviation I had more weight than I should, I was in swimming and I was wearing orthopedic shoes. However, the radical change occurred in the university, where stress, eating at the time worse my muscle problem.
The meats were never to my liking, but the main reason for becoming a vegan was spiritual, being a lover of nature in all its splendor, for me the dawn, the sky, the stars exude unprecedented beauty.

I decided to radically change my diet and completely exclude these products. I began to study which plant foods provided a high protein content. During the first weeks I made a very trivial mistake: eliminate products with high calorie and fat content.

It took me more time and studies to understand that an incorrect association between lipids and carbohydrates greatly fatiguing the digestive system and, in particular, the liver. I realized that lipids (avocados or nuts) could not be my only source of energy.

When I managed to find the right combination of foods, I realized that I felt better and more relaxed than when I ate meat.

Currently as salads and fruits, but on special occasions, when I can not find fresh and raw food, I take cooked vegan dishes.

Nowadays, when I make the purchase I choose:

Products of the season, so I make sure that fruits and vegetables have a naturally high nutrient content
Organic products, the contribution of nutrients is high and the products are healthier

I love cooking and I delight in preparing all kinds of recipes:
My favorites are:

Vegetable sandwich


Potatoes with curried vegetables


Having become a vegan does not make me feel different from other human beings: I share sorrows and joys with all those who want to share with me, I love and accept them for what they are, I keep my vegan food discipline, some understand it and others do not.

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