Vegan Pot Cookies!

in #vegan6 years ago


The other day my husband @skylineking88 recieved his bud by mail package. With this package he ordered some canna coconut oil! So I of course went straight to work on trying to find a vegan cookie recipe that I could use the oil in. I searched through many recipes as I wanted to find one that used alot of oil but made very few cookies. I did this because I wanted to have a very potent yet tasty cookie that was dairy and egg free after searchong for a while I found the perfect recipe. It called for half a cup of oil and made 10 cookies.


I then got straight to work. I did a little research and realized that I had to bake the cookies at a lower temperature. This is due to the fact that no oven is the same and you do not want the oil to get hotter than 365°F. So I cooked mine at 325°F. They came out very good. The only issue was that I cooked them too long as they were a bit more crispy than I prefer. They were still delicious though!



These cookies give you the perfect body high. My whole body just felt amazing and free of pain. They were not as great as I wanted. I am sure it has to do with the fact, that one time I ate a cookie and felt like I was in another dimension. I am assuming that I am expecting more than what they are supposed to be as my buddy @demelobuds thought they were pretty great too! Even though they were really good and did the job I am going to continue to search for a way to make them stronger and better. I think next time I will use vegan weed butter, canna oil and weed flour! Maybe that will do the trick! Keep an eye out for the up coming attempts at these lovely treats.


(Original found here)


• ½ cup cane sugar
• ¾ cup coconut sugar
• ½ cup cannabis coconut oil, melted
• ¼ cup almond milk
• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
• 1 ½ cups spelt flour
• ½ teaspoon baking soda
• hand full of vegan chocolate chips


  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the sugars, and coconut oil until combined.

  2. Whisk in non-dairy milk and vanilla, until all sugar has dissolved and the batter is smooth.

  3. Sift in the flour and baking soda, then fold the mixture with a spatula, being careful not to overmix.

  4. Fold in the chocolate chunks evenly.

  5. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C).

  6. Spoon the dough onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Be sure to leave at least 2 inches of space between cookies and the edges of the pan so cookies can spread evenly.
    Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until cookies just begin to brown.

  7. Cool completely.

  8. Enjoy!


i just made vodka cannabis tincture. i put some in water, drink and enjoy.

Sounds amazing!

Yum! I'm the opposite of you — I'd rather have them weaker so I can eat more cookies. ;)

Very good point 😊

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