Vegan omlette...YES!

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

It has been two months today since I started my vegan journey and I only wish I had started it sooner.

Currently I have managed to sustain and enjoy a food plant based diet but until I am familiar with my vitamin intake from foods, I am also using vitamin subsitutes from vegan city. The doc says we can drop on various vitamins if not careful, including B12.

I am aiming to start clearing out my personal items from anything animal related. Thats a bigger transition as first of all it is very expensive and second of all researching animal free products is a mind field!

Anyway, back to the topic in question- Vegan Omlettes.

The only thing I miss in this diet is eggs BUT I have found a product called easy eggs with enables me to make egg type products from maze flour and chickpea flour (plus various herbs) it is also cholesterol free and low in fat.

Vegan Omlette Ingrediants

Easy egg
Nutritional yeast
Mixed herbs
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

How it works

  • I chucked together two and a half heaped spoons of easy egg with enough water to make a smooth texture. (prob about 150 mls) I didnt measure just went by texture.

  • I whisked in a small handful of nutritional yeast (a perfect vitamin boost of b12 and gives a lovely nutty/ cheesy type of a kick)

  • Then I heated a frying pan with a little olive oil and poored in the mixure. Whilst waiting to cook, I fried some mushrooms and onions then popped on one side of the omlette with some beans and tomatoes.

  • To finish I folded the omlette over the top of the filling and popped a little non dairy cheese on top before allowing it to cook for another 5 minutes.


It worked and I have now got a new breakfast. You can also make scrambled eggs with eaay eggs, but not done that as yet.

If you have any ideas or anything you can do to make vegan eggy type products, then please let me know.

Have a great day



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