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RE: The Vegan Cheese Files Test #1 🧀 Will it Taste Cheesy? 🧀

in #vegan6 years ago

No, you don't have to worry about eat everything people.

You know, we find more problems outside of Australia re: the vegetarian thing i.e Spain: yeah, it's vegetarian, there is just a little bit of ham. Boiled rice and green tea can be a pain, but better than slaughtering a living creature just to make your belly full.

Not eating meat may be an inconvenience, but that's not our fault - it's more the problem of those who believe eating meat is the only way to go and not being accommodating for those who don't eat meat or can't eat meat and meat products. Convenience, I believe, is also an ego-centric argument and part of a bigger problem. For example, I love two minute noodles. And I love the flavouring sachets in them - ultimate comfort food! But I refuse to eat them as the palm oil within them comes from palm plantations that will drive orangutans extinct within ten years. Other people will say: 'ah, who cares about that, I'm starving and I don't make a difference anyway'. I guess it's how you look at it.

India has some of the best vegetarian dishes on the planet. I've drawn more inspiration from Indian cooking for vegie dishes than I have any other country on the planet - dahl and curries are freaking awesome and endlessly adaptable.

Sure, soy burgers aren't that awesome, but sometimes it's just that desire to be like others - you know, we have so many barbecues here and there's always a vegie burger option, and they aren't that great but gee, a quick vegie burger with sauce in bread is awesome with a beer!

If you are going to eat fishy crab, you might as well go for the real thing!

Crab flavoured crabsticks are pretty wierd, and the texture and flavour might not be exactly crab, but why would you think eating crab is a better alternative for vegetarians who object to killing crab, overfishing, whatever? As I said, it's not about taste. We're not interested in the original - that doesn't factor in. In fact, many vegetarians have totally forgotten what the original tastes like! Dad loves a good lentil burger and can't imagine stomaching beef after 30 odd years of vegetarianism.

I feel sorry for people who worry that others are worrying about what to feed them. Fuck that!! I'll do my best to accommodate for anyone with dietary requirements. It's exactly their choice, in exactly the same way it's your choice to eat meat.

I honestly don't think you need to puzzle over it @twowheeledmonkey - just like I don't puzzle over you drooling over pork. Imagine if no one ate meat - what amazing inventive cuisine we'd have to cover all the different flavours we desire - bbq, cheesey, curry, salty, sweet - and that's exactly what vegos and vegans are doing when they are coming up with dishes that might mimic meat and cheese, but are very far from it.

Must stop talking - off to drink a green tea and eat some rice :) xx

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