Vegan Wednesday: Veggie-Packed Meal Prep!

in #vegan6 years ago
Hey there folks!  It has been a while since I have jumped on the #veganwednesday bandwagon started by our gal @heart-to-heart, so no time like the present. :) I know I have gotten good feedback when I have shared a look into my meal prepping for #fruitsandveggiesmonday, but this week I was a little behind in having it ready for @lenasveganliving's contest.  Never fear, though, I whipped up plenty of healthy meals and snacks over the last few days to last us through the week.  Come with me as I share a few of the things I've got on the menu and why these types of meals are easy to incorporate into a healthy plant-based diet...

I can always rely on a grain and bean-based salad when I'm short on prep time or just want to make sure I pack in all of the things I need nutritionally.  Fiber, protein, antioxidants, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates--these types of salads have it all if you follow the basic template.  This week my grain of choice was nutty and delicious kamut.  It is very similar in texture to farro, which is one of my favorites.  I love that it fills me up and adds a little bulk to my salad without weighing me down one bit.

All of the different fresh variations of peas and beans are showing up at the farmers market, so I grabbed a bag of pinkeye peas this week.  They are similar to black-eyed peas, but I like that they taste a bit fresher.  I just did a quick simmer on them in a bit of veggie broth before I rinsed them and tossed them in with the rest of my ingredients.

To make the most out of my time, I try to get a few things going at once so my meal prep can be as efficient as possible.  Beans and grains are usually pretty hands-off, so they are easy to throw on the stove at the same time.  While they cooked I was chopping up veggies for the rest of my meals and had my sweet potato hash-browns going on another burner.

The rest of the salad was just organic sweet corn, green peas, chopped fresh onion and bell pepper from the farmers market, fresh herbs from the garden, and a little rice wine vinegar.  Of course I serve it over a big bed of leafy greens with a squeeze of dijon mustard on top and a few olives on the side.  So quick to toss together, and it makes a big batch so we have lunches for the whole week.  I just make sure to use veggies that hold up well for a few days, so anything like avocado and the greens I add daily so they don't get brown or wilted.

The hash-browns were pretty simple since I just shredded them up in the food processor and tossed in some onion and spices.  I served them with a version of broccoli soup similar to this one I made a month ago.  This time around I didn't have kohlrabi so I used a few stalks of celery, and I switched up the seasoning to use curry and cayenne for a bit of a kick.  Of course some extra broccoli sprouts on top add all kinds of extra nutrients.  Soup is another option that is fantastic for meal prepping because you can make a big batch and it usually gets better as it sits in the refrigerator for the week.

For snacks I made some delicious energy balls which I shared on the @runningproject page yesterday.  They are a versatile little healthy treat that you can make an infinite number of ways.  It can take a little longer when you roll then up into balls, so if you want to make it really easy you can spread it out in a pan and cut it into bars instead.  They are so delicious and good for you!

Since I had a little extra time yesterday evening, I also decided to try some "un"-fried green tomatoes for the first time.  I'll try to share the recipe for that in the next few days.  It could use some work I think, but they were definitely good enough to pass along!

That's all I've got for this week!  I hope you enjoyed the peek into my kitchen and maybe got a few ideas for your own meal prep.  When you get into the habit of doing it the process gets easier each week.  I just make sure I have a good variety of green vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils, and lots of color to round everything out.

Make sure to check out @woman-onthe-wing's great interview with the dear @heart-to-heart here:


Never tried Kamut before. Will def buy some if it crosses my path. Always nice to try new whole grains. Another great meal prep ;)

One of the local stores has it in the bulk section, so I'm lucky enough to have good access to some really yummy whole grain options! There are a few different kinds that I have seen that I still need to try out. Kamut and farro are still my faves, but I'm always willing to give different ones a try for various tastes, textures and nutritional profiles!

Buckwheat remains my favorite. So many other grains to try indeed. Love it how the plant-based movement is putting ancients grains back into the spotlight.

Omg This is all really yum and your kitchen is immaculate, hash browns are making my stomach rumble and I only had dinner an hr ago

Aww, thanks so much! Glad everything looks good to you! It's such an abundant season that it's not hard to create vibrant meals. 😀

Ohhhhhh my dear Katie everything looks yummy ! 🤤

Thanks Mary! Definitely a tasty week! 😀

ooh man, that salad looks awesome! I also prep a nice grain salad for most week days, my go to is red quinoa, kale, avocado, baby spinach and baby tomatoes. So good with hummus. SO GOOD!

Yum!! Hummus is definitely my favorite salad dressing. 😋

That salad, wow! I haven't seen Pinkeyed peas before, so they taste fresher? I'll have to look for them at the market. I love the variations in your salad, you definitely don't get bored do you. Wonderful recipe!

To be fair, I don't think I've ever had fresh black-eyed peas, only dried. I think these are just a bit sweeter. Definitely delicious! Apparently they grow really well in hot weather, so I see them a lot around here at the farmers market through the summer. I only wish I had started eating them sooner!

No going hungry again this week. ;)

You are so good at putting together highly nutritional and delicious meal together. Also, I totally agree that soup is one of the key meals for weekly meal prep and they taste better while siting in the fridge, lol.

Thank you Lena! Soup, chili and pasta are some of the best leftovers. :) I always try to think of new tips to give for meal prepping, but the best way to get better is just to do it. I think I'm the best example of practice makes perfect. I have just been doing it so long that now the only hard thing is narrowing down all the delicious options I have each week so I don't make too much!

Always a pleasure Katie.................I totally agree and keep up the good job 🌸💖🌸

Sounds and looks delicious dear Katie! :) I have never heard of kamut. It looks very good so I must have a look and try to find it here.

I see that you're also eating soups in this heat. I thought we were the only ones eating warm soup when it's 30 degrees outside :)

Hash browns are my favorite! Yum!

We definitely eat soup all year! :) I usually just eat it cool or room temperature if it's really hot out. Kamut is also known as khorasan wheat. I hope you can find it because it's delicious!

yummy yummy @plantstoplanks, your recipes meets my taste bud! Cannot wait to try this out! Keep going :D ♡

Thanks so much for the wonderful support! So glad you enjoyed my picks for the week. 😁

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