Acorn Squash Chia & Hemp Seed Pudding

in #vegan6 years ago
Hey everyone!  I have another one of those recipes today that tastes delicious, but the presentation was a little bit lacking (or maybe a lot lacking). Story of my life. ;) I'll give it another go and see if I can get a nicer look at some point, but until then it was just too good not to share.  Seriously, I even had it taste-tested by someone other than @dksart and she highly approved!

This could definitely work for breakfast, snack, or even a dessert.  I have made chia pudding plenty of times before, but never with acorn squash.  I'm always happy to toss veggies in wherever I can.  Most winter squashes are slightly sweet, so they actually work really well in dishes like this.  The vibrant flesh adds a boost of vitamins in addition to the nice flavor. You could easily substitute pumpkin, butternut or any other orange-flesh squash that you have access to.

The initial mixture of the roasted squash, coconut milk and dates actually turned out quite rich and creamy by itself even before adding the chia seeds to thicken it up.  I still wanted to add the chia and hemp seeds, however, for the healthy omega 3 fatty acids and plant-based protein.  With the addition of a bit of unsweetened shredded coconut, the texture was almost like a tapioca pudding.  I thought it was quite a nice final product--satisfying with all of the healthy fats and other nutrients, while not sitting too heavy in my belly.

Acorn Squash Chia & Hemp Pudding

Makes 5 servings

  • 1 medium acorn squash, seeded & roasted or otherwise cooked until soft
  • 1 (14-ounce) can lite coconut milk
  • 4-5 medjool dates, pitted
  • 1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger--optional (the pumpkin pie spice has some in it, but I love ginger)
  • 5 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 5 tablespoons hemp seeds
  • 5 tablespoons unsweetened shredded coconut

Once your squash is cooked, let cool then scoop out the softened flesh.  Place in a blender with the coconut milk, dates and spices.  Blend on high speed until smooth.

Portion out into 5 bowls or containers.  Stir one tablespoon of the seeds and coconut into each container.  Let sit for 4 hours or overnight in the refrigerator to let the chia seeds soften.  Top with poached pears (recipe below) and serve cool or slightly warmed up.

Poached Pears

  • 2 Bartlett or other slightly hard pears, peeled & chopped
  • 1/2 cup dry red wine
  • 1 1/2 cups water (or enough to cover pears)
  • 2 star anise pods
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 whole cloves

Place all of the ingredients into a medium saucepan.  Bring just to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer on low for 45 minutes or until the pears have softened and the liquid has started to reduce down.

Remove the spices and portion out on top of your chia pudding. Try to resist gobbling them all up at once. ;)

Don't forget to check out the latest #makeithealthy magazine from @woman-onthe-wing with so many great posts:


I might try this with sweet potatoes, easier to peel what do you think? It looks good.

Oooh, yeah those would work, too! Definitely let me know if you try it! :)

Hmm poached pears and squash chia pudding... even though it doesn't look too good indeed, it sounds wonderful and wouldn't mind one of those jars hehe!

Haha, yeah I sat on this post for about a week because I was afraid everyone wouldn't be able to get past the appearance! It really tasted so delicious, though, so I figured I might as well put it out there.

Hhmmm, maybe that's a good contest---take my recipe and make it pretty! 😂

Hehe! Great idea indeed. Really need to get into the contest again. With my parents around and looking for a location for bakery and health cafe my time for steemit and spending hours in the kitchen is very limited these days :(

I was nice enough to let you have at least one. 😂

Hai, helo @dksart! Kami upvote yah..

What a delicious sounding combination with the pudding and poached pears! You are really the queen of health Katie!!!

Aww, you are too sweet. I try my best to make easy, healthy food still taste good! :)

Wow that looks so good =) Would love to taste some of it =) lacking in presetation or not it looks awesome =). It does not have to look good to taste good ;)

I'm so glad food doesn't have to be pretty to taste good, otherwise I might be in trouble. ;) Thank you as always for your kind words and support! I hope you get a chance to give it a try some time!

Haha, I know! Me too :D I try to make my food photography worthy but I'm relly not good at it :D But practice makes perfect :D So just keep trying ;)

Gonna have to try this one. I love squash and pears! Never had them together but I have had stuffed acorn squash and there was apple. I think this sounds yummy. And I am for trying anything that will help with my sweet tooth.

I have a pretty big sweet tooth myself, so stuff like this definitely helps hit the spot! If you like apples with squash, then I would hope this would be right in the same wheelhouse! :)

Sounds & looks amazing! I know food photo presentation can be hard but i think you did a good job here =)

I appreciate your very kind assessment! I know I've seen a few other folks use white chia seeds, so that may help the appearance a bit next time. Ah well, it made for a great post-run snack! 🤣

Gotta fuel the furnace =)

Oh, wow - talk about guilt free dessert! And I know it's probably silly, but I was like, "hey - I've got that same package of hemp seed in my pantry!" Thanks for this - I'm pinning this on one of my Pinterest boards, and I'll definitely give it a go soon.

Great minds think (and shop?) alike! ;) I hope you enjoy it when you give it a try! Definitely no guilt whatsoever eating this one!

Exactly! LOL! I'll definitely shout out when (not if) I do!

Yummilicious ! I'm craving for it now ! =))

Thank you dear Luigi! I'm sure a jar of this would be a fantastic portable snack to bring on one of your adventures around your beautiful home town. 😀

This sounds delicious, the pears on top, perfect! And so good for you! Well done!
It would be nice for breakfast or even a dessert, I like the pumpkin spice addition.

It was quite nice on it's own, but the pears definitely put it over the top! Thank you for taking the time to stop in to my virtual kitchen. :)

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