Vegan and sports: how to adapt my diet? - Vegan et sportive : comment adapter mon alimentation ?

in #vegan6 years ago

Vegan and sports: how to adapt my diet?

Sport and veganism are compatible? Two dietician nutritionists explain to us what diet to adopt to avoid deficiencies and to be at the top during our sports sessions.

Veganism , whether adopted by belief or in relation to food intolerances, is becoming more prevalent in our society. However, can not eating animal protein be compatible with regular sports? "Being vegan and playing sports is not incompatible if the diet is balanced, varied and one is in good health," slice Alexandra Murcier, dietician-nutritionist. Indeed, if animal proteins are essential for sports to feed the muscles, it is possible to replace animal proteins with vegetable proteins . "We integrate cereals, legumes, legumes, lentils and peas into our diet" , explains Lohen Ortuno Dijoux, dietician nutritionist.

Deficiencies to watch out for

"When you're vegan you have to be careful not to miss vitamin B12 ," says Lohen Ortuno Dijoux. It is a vitamin found in all products of animal origin. For vegans, it can be found in seaweeds like chlorella, tempeh, fermented soybeans . While this contribution may be beneficial, it is not enough. It is therefore advisable to take food supplements in the form of ampoules to avoid deficiencies . "Lack of vitamin B12 can cause nervous disorders, anemia and psychological disorders , " explains Alexandra Murcier. The specialist adds that all the vitamins of group B are to be watched and that they can be found in brewer's yeast.

With the lack of meat and fish, it is possible to develop iron deficiency. As an alternative, legumes such as lentils, dried fruits and oleaginous fruits such as cashews, hazelnuts, etc. are chosen. "We should consume at least a handful of oilseeds a day to avoid deficiencies," suggests Lohen Ortuno Dijoux. The specialist recommends adding vitamin C during meals by eating a fruit so that the iron is well assimilated by the body. Zinc deficiency, which can be avoided with legumes but also unrefined products such as quinoa and semi-complete cereals, is rarer. We also monitor its intake of magnesium and omega 3, which is found more often in fish, with vegetable oils favoring rapeseed oil, or flaxseed . "To monitor these deficiencies, it would be necessary for vegan people to have a blood test at least once a year," advises Alexandra Murcier.

Vary your diet and hydrate

No physical activity is forbidden to vegans, even if the high level sport needs more attention. "If you play more than 3 hours a week you need protein supplementation from hemp, soy or pea. The oatmeal helps to maintain a feeling of satiety and a stable blood sugar , " advises Lohen Ortuno Dijoux. The main thing during your workout is to stay hydrated, and Alexandra Murcier advises to drink water rich in minerals.

To vary its diet as much as possible, Lohen Ortuno Dijoux proposes to combine for example a mashed chickpeas with whole-grain bread, or semi-complete rice, rather than complete because the latter limit the assimilation of iron . Or choose quinoa with coral lentils, rice and red or white beans, see millet and split peas. To maximize the intake of vitamin C that will allow to assimilate iron, it is better to focus on raw fruits and vegetables. The most suitable cooking is steam cooking. So put on your sneakers safely!

Thanks to Alexandra Murcier and Lohen Ortuno Dijoux , dietician nutritionists .

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