How to make vegan aloe vera juice? Method and tips - Reposted because of trolls flaggers!!

in #vegan6 years ago

How to make vegan aloe vera juice? Method and tips

That's it I decide to tell you about the recipe for aloe vera juice , at least the method to get it. I did not talk about it earlier because until recently, the aloe vera leaf was not necessarily easy to get. Now I see it everywhere in the organic store and even in the traditional vegetables, so I thought it was time to tell you about it, because you had to find it relatively easily.

Read before making your aloe vera juice

I first want to tell you the information on the aloe vera leaf that I bought: "Remove the outer layer (green skin) and wash the flesh before use. Aloin present in the outer layer (green skin - yellow latex), is toxic. Warning: Product not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children under 12 years. Any prolonged food use is also discouraged. "

I had never seen this type of instructions before on the sheets that I had already bought, but in doubt I prefer to warn you. Now that the warning is done, we can move on.

The benefits of aloe vera

Aloe vera contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, E and PP as well as iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc. It also contains 7 of the 8 essential amino acids.

It is famous for the health of the digestive system . Personally it is especially for this specific virtue that I use it. It would act on ulcerations of the stomach and esophagus, as well as intestinal. These are some components (mucopolysaccharides that form this characteristic viscous gel) that are suspected of normalizing the microbiota as well as relieving inflammation. And at the same time reduce intestinal fermentations.

The aloe vera leaf is also used for its benefits on the skin . It is healing and also considered as antioxidant and therefore anti aging (whether on the skin or the body). It acts as an antibacterial and antifungal. It also strengthens the immune system. Aloe vera would also be a natural anti-inflammatory.

Conservation of aloe vera leaves

To preserve the aloe vera leaves, start by cleaning them well with a vegetable brush. Then dry them carefully.

Aloe vera is a plant that lives in a dry environment , so it should not be kept in the refrigerator, too much wet for it. So do not put it in water, leave it as it is in a dry and ventilated place at room temperature (even in summer). Also avoid putting it in the sun, prefer a dark place but well ventilated.

When you cut it, it will heal itself. If you keep it for a long time it will gradually lose weight, there will be less and less freezing.

Method to make aloe vera juice

To make aloe vera juice it is necessary to take only the gel in the leaf . Green skin is toxic and it must be peeled with a sharp knife.

The inside of the leaf forms a gel, like when you soak flax seeds in water, but a little more viscous.

I do not recommend using a juice extractor to obtain aloe vera juice, it is very difficult to pass it in juice extractors . It is necessary to use a good blender , much more effective for what one seeks to obtain here.

To maintain the benefits and nutrients of aloe vera juice, lemon juice will be added as a preservative.

As for juices in general, the ideal is to consume it immediately. Nevertheless with the addition of lemon juice, you can keep it 1 week in the refrigerator in a well sealed bottle.

If you do not like the taste of aloe vera juice you can add a spoonful of honey or raw quality agave syrup. But it remains optional.

You can get a gel of aloe vera rather than a juice by removing a maximum of water in the recipe below.

How to make aloe vera juice? Method and tips

Gluten-free recipe
Recipe without milk
Raw recipe 

For about 1/2 liter
Preparation time : 5 min

10 cm of aloe vera stem
Juice of half a lemon
1 tbsp. honey (optional)
300 ml of spring water 

Peel the aloe vera stem with a sharp knife. Start by removing the quills, then the rest of the green skin. Green skin is toxic, so remove all skin. Then, remove the gel and pass it under the water to rinse well.
Put the aloe vera gel in the bowl of the blender.
Pour over the juice of half a lemon. Add honey if you wish.
Pour over the spring water and mix everything.
Serve immediately or pour into a sterilized airtight bottle to store in the refrigerator. 

Karen's advice

If you wish you can add a hint of ginger or turmeric to your juice, or mix it with the juice of other fruits or vegetables.
And you, do you already drink aloe vera juice?

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