Whos got BEEF?

in #vegan6 years ago (edited)

Not these guys, Vegan raps that rock.

Click here for source

As part of my journey through sound series I wanted to touch on some fantastic Vegan rap songs. Lyrically these guys are totally on point and I could just imagine how some of these would sound with some good production behind them. So lets not get too hung up on my thoughts, lets get straight in there and hear some truth bombs.

Kyle O Sullivan.

Kyle's raps typically take place in his van as he goes from job to job. He is such a funny bloke to listen to and read, I enjoy following his Instagram page. He went from 300 followers to over 44,000 in just a few months when this rap appeared! The sound quality is obviously not the best as his studio is a van, but the lyrics are just fantastic! This is his 10 reasons rap, there are subtitled versions available but this IMO has the best sound quality.


Grey first crossed my path when I saw a great in car video of the studio version of his thanks giving rap. Like Kyle above his rap didn't have good sound quality but thankfully he was able to produce a much higher quality release. This rap is all about his thanksgiving feast and man I am hungry even writing the intro to the track. Grey has a fashion and aparel line called "plant based drippin" should you want to check that out. You can also check out his Instagram feed.

Radel Ortiz and Andy "Noa" De La Rosa

This rap, "I'm not a vegan" is just fantastic, it is a roller coaster ride from a meat eaters perspective. You can hear every reason why people won't give up meat. How uncomfortable it makes them feel and then the Vegan perspective. I love this track, Lyrically on point as all... Well almost all of the tracks listed. My favourite line of the rap is > "You want cheese, simple, it can be a breeze, made from different nuts.... except these."


This "fuck you I'm vegan" track is very well put together, the two guys just rock it and there is a very divisive and deliberate ending. I will leave it to you.

The unknown???

I really don't know what to say about this other than I am speechless!

Ok I admit it this is my rap... No, No, No it isnt but I just couldn't resist that bait!

Although not a rap, I felt this spoken word poetry slam deserved a place here too.

Jaimie G

In this 2 minute poetry slam Jamie drops so many truth bombs it is hard to keep count. Turn it up and enjoy.

So there it is folks the second in my journey through sound series. You can find the first of teh series here.I will be doing more in this series for sure, I love to hear stories told through the medium of rap. @amariespeaks and I have been going back and forward on these for a few different posts now, so if you want to see more of these type of rap posts I highly suggest you check her out.

All images unless otherwise sourced and noted as such are my own. Sourced images are clickable to show their source. My own images are typically taken with my HTC ONE.



Oooh look at you, with thealliance page divider 😉

Oh yeah, Rockin the alliance tag! Still in the playground at the moment but learning loads. @enginewitty and @c0ff33a dropped a few of the dividers for us to use. I am planning on doing up some of my own once I get some time.

Hilarious. Vegan rap are not words I would associate together unless it was vegan wrap..

Lol true that, I have to say though I really enjoyed them all. 😊

Great stuff.. Now I feel inspired to start rapping on my way to work.. Haha

Lol, yeah totally. My kiddies look at me like I'm a bit mad when I car rap. 😂😂

Wow look at that fancy post ;). I'm so happy to see your progress and the way you have developed your posts estetique. It looks so beautiful.
And I loved the content in the post <3.
Thank you for keeping on the good job and develop as a writer/content creator =)

Ah wow, thanks Nicole you are too kind. Are you on your adventures yet?

Yes i'm here until wednesday and then I go home to Sweden to get my life there sorted out and then i'm gone on travel for a much longer time 😊

Oh, enjoy, I am ever so slightly Jealous!

I am :D i'll definetly come back =)

Loved these, especially the first one, those lyrics are just bomb! Some of these are so hilarious, very entertaining 😄

Yeah Kyle is brilliant, he has other ones too, there is a great one he does with aliens harvesting humans for food and the alien kids are telling the parents to stop. But the alien parents are like oh we are supposed to eat them we are the top of the food chain etc. It's very good.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll go check them out! :)

Congratulations human. This post has been featured in today's Muxxybot curation post.


Lol fuck u im vegan feels like my life

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